Four Months Later
Moon Wind PackPaige paced the tent they had put up to hide her from sight before she walked down the aisle. She couldn't figure out what in the world was taking so long. They were supposed to be there half an hour ago.
"Calm down, everything's going to be alright," her mother said.
"I'm not nervous mom, I'm annoyed. What's the hold up? I'm ready to get this show on the road." They had been planning this day for four months and she was ready to just enjoy it. The reception tent was up, the food was ready, the band was set and soft jazz played over the speakers while everyone waited for her to arrive. She was ready, so she didn't know what was the hold up was.
Their homecoming was a little more than she was expecting. Her mother and siblings were ecstatic. Her father was a little more reserved. He tried to talk to Paige about her wolf and having one but she shut him down pretty quick. When he offered to go running in wolf form with her and teach her the ropes of having a wolf she told him not to bother. He still thought he deserved to walk her down the aisle today.
"I have wanted nothing but your love and affection since I was a child," she told him when he had brought it up. "I did everything I possibly could for you to be proud of me. You never gave me anything but mild contempt. It took me being kidnapped by a vampire and shifting to save my mates life for you to give me the time of day. Did you really think I would just welcome you back into my life? That I'd want you to teach me about my wolf? That we could pretend the last twenty three years didn't happen? Did you really think I'd want you to walk with me down the aisle? To have you next to me on one of the biggest days of my life?"
"I'm your father. It is my place to walk you down the aisle," he said firmly. He sounded as if it was simple. As if he thought his actions were perfectly acceptable to step back into her life. She shook her head at his audacity.
"You should have thought about that before you abandoned me for not turning out exactly how you wanted," she said coolly. She began walking towards the door. "Tell me, is this about wanting to take your place as my father or your place as the father of the Alphas mate?"
When he didn't answer she said, "I thought so." She opened the door and and turned to face him, "Mom will be the one to walk be down the aisle. She's the one who has been by me since I joined the pack. Micah and Sophie will stand with me. You will sit in the crowd as part of the regular attendees." He tried to protest and she cut him off. "Be grateful I'm allowing you that much. If it was up to Nathan you wouldn't even be allowed to stay in town."
Paige moved the flap of the tent aside and peeked out. She saw that all the guests were seated, Patrick and Dorothea, who, as Beta's would be conducting the ceremony, were in their places on the raised platform they had built especially for this. As this was the binding ceremony of the Alpha and Luna, the entire pack was here. It was also why so many other Alpha's and Luna's were in attendance, as well as many unpacked wolves and humans who were friends of Paige. With so many attendees they needed to build a small stage in order for everyone to see. The only person she couldn't see was Nathan.
She reached for her phone to call Patrick before she remembered she could mind link. They had had her Luna ceremony after they got back from London the second time. Nathan had wanted to do it earlier but Paige wanted to wait until she had officially graduated and moved back to the pack for good. "I want to be 100% committed to this pack. I mean, I already am but I don't want any lose ends that could pull me back." She told Nathan when he asked about it. So they waited and flew back to London for her commencement and to take care of the rest of her things, which she had left with Lennette. Because she hadn't officially been a apart of Nathan's pack before, the Luna ceremony doubled as a welcome ceremony to make her part of the pack.
"Where the fuck is Nathan?" She asked Patrick through the link. She saw him look up in the direction of the tent at her question. They made eye contact and he saw a spot of fear cross his face. She could have linked Dorothea, she had made her her Beta, but she knew Patrick would know better. She saw Dorothea chuckle at Patrick's expression, having guessed what was happening.
"He had to take care of something. He'll be here in a minute."
"What could he possibly be taking care of RIGHT NOW?!?! He is thirty minutes late!!" Paige's annoyance immediately shot through the roof. Nathan had told her it was all going to go like clock work. But now he was the one who was holding them up!
"I promise you, everything is okay." Patrick linked in a soothing tone.
"Tell him to get his ass here before I-"
"You can mind link now!" He cut her off. "You tell him!" As the Luna, he would have to follow her orders, but he really didn't want to pass along whatever threat she was about to utter.
"He blocked me out!"
"Well- Oh look here he is. Take a breath and we'll start."
Paige took a step back and breathed deep to release her tension and annoyance. This was a happy day after all, she should focus on those feelings. "Ready?" Her mom asked.
She took another deep breath and nodded. "Stars and Butterflies" from the 2005 Pride & Prejudice soundtrack started. Paige liked the 1995 version better, but she couldn't deny the beauty of the 2005 soundtrack. Her sister and brother took their places on the stage, as did Allen and James who were standing in for Nathan's family. As the string portion faded and the oboe started, the tent flaps opened and Paige stepped out clutching her mother's arm.

Finding Home
RomantikPaige was going home. It had been a long time she had thought of it as home but her brothers wedding was bringing her back. As the only human in the wolf pack she had never truly fit in. When an opportunity to go to college in the human world was pr...