Hello everyone!
Thank you so much for reading my story. Writing this started out as a "just for fun" exercise for me. I was really annoyed with the misogynistic tropes/themes I was reading in the other werewolf stories online so I decided to write my own. Little did I know that this would become a release for some of my religious trauma but 83 THOUSAND words later here we are.
I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. Thank you to everyone who read and voted, it really gave the the confidence (and dopamine) to keep writing.
There will probably be and epilogue and some bonus content sometime in the near future. I'm just heading into the holidays and don't know how much time I'll have and I needed to hit that complete button so I don't stress about it. There's also some branch off stories milling around in my brain that might get written depending on how much dopamine they bring me 😉. I also might add some edits to include more physical descriptions. I realized that as I've been reading back through it I left a lot of those out and you all have very lose and varied ideas of what everyone looks like.
Anyways! Thanks for reading!! Have a happy holiday season!!
AE Bennett

Finding Home
RomansaPaige was going home. It had been a long time she had thought of it as home but her brothers wedding was bringing her back. As the only human in the wolf pack she had never truly fit in. When an opportunity to go to college in the human world was pr...