Chapter Forty Nine-Paige

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Paige woke to Nathans arms wrapped around her. Her back was to his chest and his arm lay across her waist. She snuggled into him, reveling in the feeling of being his. She had always been his, but now she had stopped fighting it. She was his and he was hers. A big grin spread across her face at the thought.

She stayed as long as she could before feeling nature's call. She started to move his arm but it was too heavy for her at this awkward angle. She tried to squirm out of his grasp but felt him wake behind her. "Where do you think you're going?" His morning voice low and gravelly, it made her heart flutter.

"I'm getting up. Can you move your arm?"

"The last time I let you get out of bed after a night together, you disappeared. I had to take a transatlantic flight to find you again."

Paige smiled at the memories of last night. They had loved each other until they didn't have any energy left. They fell into an exhausted sleep, pressed tightly together. It was now morning, Paige could tell by the shadows on her wall that it was close to nine AM.

She rolled over to face him, "I promise I'm just going to the bathroom." She looked deeply into his eyes. "I'm done running away from this, away from you." He smiled before kissing her. He tried to deepen it but she pulled away. "As much as I want too, I really have to pee." He chuckled slightly before letting her go.

When she came back, she was ready to climb back into bed with him until her stomach growled. His growled in response and he laughed. "I guess we need some nourishment before we do anything more."

"Guess so." She smiled. "I don't think I have anything in though and Lennette's a vegetarian so I doubt we'd find anything to appease your appetite."

"I'm sure I'll survive."

"Nah, we can go down to the diner. Get you a proper English Breakfast."

"They have diners in London?"

"Well they call them cafes but they're basically a diner. Best place to get a fry-up." Paige declared.

"And what's a fry-up?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." She smirked. "I'm gonna go shower, then you need to shower, we both reek."

"We could shower together." She rolled her eyes at his cheekiness. "What?!" he asked in mock indignation. "I'm just thinking about the planet. Saving water and all that." She scoffed and walked to her bathroom attached to her room but didn't say anything when he followed her.

After their shower, which took longer than strictly necessary, Paige found him some clothes an old fling of Lennette's had left there and they walked to the cafe. Nathan marveled the plate they set before him. When Paige ordered him 'The Works' he wasn't expecting this. "Why are there beans on it?" he asked in wonder.

Paige laughed at the look on his face. "Don't question, just eat." Nathan was smart enough not to argue further. Their meal was fun and light. They both loved the feeling of being together. Paige knew there were things that they needed to talk about. Things that needed to be worked out but right now she was happy just to eat breakfast with him.

"So," she said as they finished their tea. "I was thinking, since this is your first time in London, we could do all the touristy things today. I can show you my world for the last five years."

"I'd like that," he said with a smile. "But if you need to work, I can sit quietly by your side and read or something." He gave her a heart stopping smile before twisting it into a smirk, "I'd also be happy to stay in bed with you all day. I'll do anything you want as long as I do it with you."

Paige looked down at her mug to hide the smile creeping across their face. "I have to stop by campus for a little bit but after that I'm all yours." She grinned at the smile that spread across Nathan's face at her words.

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