Chapter Thirteen-Nathan

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Present Day
Moon Wind Pack

A text pulled him from his reverie. He and Patrick had travelled to visit a pack near  Vermont-New York border. They had been struggling with rouges and wanted to ask for his help. Nathan himself had ended his own rouge war three years ago and he and his suddenly larger pack had lived in relative peace since then.

The war had wiped out most packs in New Hampshire, parts of Maine and even Vermont. When he took the survivors in and defeated the rouges, it left all their territories to him. He didn't have the warriors to help this pack, but if the bordering packs fell then the rouges would be on their doorstep once again. He had promised that he would send some people to help with training and supplies. He looked at his text. It was from Allen.

 It was from Allen

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She wants to talk

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She wants to talk.
About the protection.
And only the protection.
She was quite forceful that I tell you it is only about the protection.

Okay, we won't be back until late.
Let her know I can see her in the morning.

How's it going?

Not great.
This pack needs more help than we can give.
Please keep her safe.

On it boss.
Not that she needs me to.
She is something else.

That she is my friend. That she is.

Nathan smiled at his phone. Paige was a force to be reckoned with when she wants to be. He knew that she'd bristle at the protection, but he couldn't stomach the thought of anything happening to her while he was away. Even if it was just for one day, even if their town hadn't seen any attacks in years, he still worried.

"Who's that?"

"Who's who?

"The text. You're smiling at your phone looking like and idiot."

"It's Allen, Paige wants to talk to me." Patrick gave him a disbelieving look. "About the protection, but at least we'll be in the same room." Patrick pursed his lips. He wasn't particularly fond of Paige.

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