Read this first!! Announcements, Updates, and A's to your Q's

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Hello and welcome to my story.

To new readers:  Wattpad is where I tell my stories to myself; they are very much first drafts. As such, they are full of typos, plot holes and other assorted errors. I am aware rogue is spelled wrong, I'm not going through all 55 chapters to change it. Read at your own risk.

To rereaders: Good news is, I am working on edits and will be releasing Finding Home both in ebook and print format. It has better pacing, world building and character descriptions, as well as some new scenes and expansions of old ones (I'm trying to add in spice but it's hard and idk if they'll make the final cut). These edits will not be released on Wattpad.

Bad news is self publishing expensive. Yes, it's much more affordable these days but between editors, cover and book designers, and other various expenses I'm looking at about $4,000-$5,000 out of pocket. I don't have that kind of money on hand so I will be doing a Kickstarter campaign sometime in the near future. Follow me here and on TikTok and Instagram to get the latest updates. (at)AEBennetBooks

And now for the fun part. The A's to your Q's.





Q: What inspired you to write Finding Home?

A: Spite. Pure and simple. Also a bit of avoidance of what I was supposed to be doing.

At the end of last summer (2023) I was reading a lot of werewolf stories and I found them all to be incredibly sexist and toxic without calling out the toxicity and resolving it. Everything from controlling men being excused because they're an Alpha or whatever to literal children making life changing forever decisions, to the infusion of purity culture had appropriation of pagan culture (seriously, they worship the Moon Goddess and celebrate the Wheel of the Year but in it's execution, it's all basically repurposed Christianity. It's like they took 'God' and swapped it with 'Goddess' and did nothing else even though the way other deities in both ancient and modern religions, interact with their believers is nothing like the way the Christian god interacts with theirs but I digress). I started writing Finding Home thinking it's just be a few hundred words to get rid of the itch and it bloomed into what it is today.

Q: Will you write a bonus scene of _______?

A: Maybe. I'm writing new stuff for the second draft and I'm not sure how much of it will make it into the final version but I might release the stuff that doesn't make it here.

Q: Are you a currently writing a new story?

A: Kind of. I'm working on my next one and the first few chapters are released now but I work full time and go to school full time. It's a lot. I wasn't working full time when I wrote Finding Home so I had more time to devote to it. I graduate in May so hopefully more will come soon.

Q: Are you planning on staying in fantasy or writing in a different genre?

A: I have some other WIP's that have been WIP's for a loooooong time. None of them are related to this world I've written. One's about a lavender relationship, ones about healing from mental health issues and others are really more or less loose collections of scenes that vaguely relate to each other. I do have one that's true fantasy (not urban fantasy, so completely new world building) but again, it's more of a few ideas and a loose collection of scenes. I'm not sure when (if ever) they will be published.

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