7. Like a date

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Y/N's pov

I spend the entire afternoon alone, doing nothing productive. While I should be studying, I lack the energy. In the evening, she texts me:

Cate :)  Heyy!! Can I bring dinner to your house, and we have it together? I really want to talk to you about something.

As I read the message, nervousness immediately sets in. My heart starts beating fast, and my hands become clammy. She wants to talk to me? About what??

I try to reply, attempting to appear as normal as possible.

Me  Hi!! Yes, of course! Is Dash coming too?

She replies instantly.

Cate :)  Nope! It's just you and me, like a date ;)

OH MY GOD! Did she just suggest it's like a date? Alright, I need to get ready because, at the moment, I look like a complete mess.


In the next half-hour, she'll be here. I cleaned the apartment, though it was already spotless. I showered AGAIN, did my makeup, and picked out my best outfit. I set up the table as best as I could, considering I don't know what we're having for dinner. I am so freaking nervous right now.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings. Is it her? No, it's too early for that. It can't be.

It's Dash. Oh my god, what do I say?

Y: Hi! What are you doing here?

D: Hello! I just came to give you notes from uni from this morning but... why are you so elegant?

Y: I... thank you. I... I have a date...

D: You have a date? YOU HAVE A DATE AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME? Who is it?! What's her name?

Y: I... You don't know her... She... Her name is Elise... -the only thing that came to my mind is Cate's middle name.

D: Elise... I see... Well, I'll leave you to it. You tell me EVERYTHING tomorrow. Bye!

Y: Yes, bye!

And he leaves. Thank goodness she didn't decide to come a little early; that would've been quite awkward.

The bell rings again, and this time it's her.

She looks absolutely stunning, breathtaking, even

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She looks absolutely stunning, breathtaking, even. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and perhaps, ever will see.

C: Like what you see? -I found myself in a trance, unintentionally captivated by her beauty, rendered speechless.

Y: My apologies. Hi! Please come in. By the way, you look beautiful.

C: Thanks, honey. So do you -and she winks, or at least attempts to.

Y: Would you like a drink?

C: A glass of red wine, please? Let's see if it helps ease my nerves.

Y: Why are you nervous? -I say as I settle on the couch with two glasses of wine.

C: You'll find out when I share it with you, but that's a story for later.

Y: You enjoy seeing me in suspense, don't you? - I tease.

C: You have no idea how much I enjoy it - she smirks.


The dinner is delightful. We chat about anything and everything that crosses our minds, sharing laughter and enjoying each other's company. Afterward, we settle back on the couch with our glasses of wine. At this point, we're both feeling a bit tipsy.

Y: So... Can you spill it now?

C: Oh... that. I totally forgot.

Y: It's literally the reason why you came -I say with a laugh.

C: Hush, I'm drunk -she laughs too- Besides, I also just wanted to spend time with you.

Y: Oh, that's sweet! But seriously, can you tell me or not?

C: You're really eager to know, huh?




I'm sorry for this chapter. It's pretty bad and it's a little bit short but lately I haven't been able to write a lot. As I told you I started uni and I'm really focusing on that so I'm sorry if it takes more days to post.

Anyway, what do you think Cate's gonna say?? Tell me!

Hope ur having a great day!

Júlia <3

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