14. Grey's Anatomy

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A/n: I wrote this before xmas and I thought I had already posted it, sorryyyy :) Also, in the storyline it's not supposed to be xmas but since it's my story and it's fictional, now it's xmas hehe


A week has elapsed since Dash witnessed the incident. I've reached out to him through text, but he simply ignores my messages. Now that we're on Christmas break and no longer attending university, I can't attempt to talk to him in person.

Cate and I haven't spent much time together this week. Since that day when she asked me to leave, explaining that she needed some time alone, our communication has been limited to texting. However, her responses are brief and she seems distant.

I've been reflecting on everything lately. Perhaps Cate and I shouldn't be together. However, these six months have been the best of my life; I've experienced immense happiness. It can't all come to an end now. Even Dash noticed a positive change in me, though I didn't disclose the reasons at the time. Now that he knows and isn't pleased about it, the situation becomes even more complex.

I've been sending him texts every day. Initially, I bombarded him with numerous messages, but after realizing he wasn't responding, I opted to send just one text per day. Perhaps, with persistence, he'll eventually let me talk to him.

I simply want the chance to talk to him and explain everything that has unfolded between me and his mother. Perhaps, if I can convey how happy she makes me and vice versa, he will understand the complexities of our situation.

Here's the message I sent him today: "Hello Dash, once again. I'm aware I might be bothering you, but if you could just grant me the chance to talk to you once, just once. If, after that, you decide you no longer want to be my friend, I'll understand. I won't be pleased about it, but I'll understand. Could we possibly meet at a café, just you and me, and discuss this? Please..."

Anticipating no response from him, I set my phone aside and switch on the TV.

Twenty minutes later, I hear the doorbell ring. I wonder who could be at the door?

I open the door to find her standing there, with red, puffy eyes and a paper bag in her hand.

C: Sorry, I ignored you a little bit this week... I brought food -she smiles sadly.

Y: It's okay... thanks -I smile back at her.

I'm not upset with her for being quiet; how could I be? I understand she's going through a difficult time. Her son doesn't want to talk to her or see her. Today, I choose not to broach the subject.

C: Watching Grey's Anatomy?

Y: Obviously. What did you bring?

C: Just some food from Macca's -she says with a strong australian accent.

Y: From what?? -I ask confused.

C: Oh sorry! McDonald's! -she laughs.

Y: Is that how you say it in Australia? -I laugh with her.

C: Apparently.

We settle on the couch, enjoying the food she brought, and watch a few episodes of Grey's Anatomy. There isn't much conversation, but there's a sense of comfort between us in these moments.

Midway through an episode, I decide to check my phone, and to my surprise, there's a message from Dash: "Meet me tomorrow at the café next to uni. 11 am."

It's a bit harsh, but at least he responded.

I'm unsure whether I should tell Cate or not. I wasn't going to say anything about this...

C: You okay, darling? -I just noticed I've been staring at my phone for quite some time now.

Y: Yes...

C: What's on your mind? You know you can confide in me, right?

Y: It's just... Dash answered my texts... He wants to meet me tomorrow...

C: Oh... Then go... I want to know how he is doing.

Y: Of course I'll go -I smile sadly at her.


A/n: here i am again! i just wanted to say that i'm not australian but i did google how it's called, if it's wrong just let me know. 

Also, I have no idea where this story is going, I'm thinking about finishing it... or maybe if you give me some ideas in the comments i can continue <3

juls :)

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