13. Six months later...

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Six months later

Cate and I have been together for six months now! It's pretty surreal when you really think about it. We've been maintaining this secretive "relationship" for half a year, and nobody is aware of it except Sandy. While we haven't officially discussed being a couple, we're content with our current arrangement. Her son remains oblivious to our connection, and that brings us both joy since we're uncertain about how he would react if he discovered us.

Speaking of him, Jennifer and Dash have been officially together for three months now, and they couldn't be happier. I'm genuinely thrilled for them. I had the pleasure of meeting Jennifer two months ago, and she turned out to be the nicest person. Cate is also overjoyed that her son has found someone who loves him, although she hasn't had the chance to meet her yet.

Today is the day Dash is introducing Jennifer to Cate, and both of them want me to be present. Dash is quite anxious about whether Cate will like Jennifer, despite her being a genuinely nice and charming girl, someone nearly impossible not to like. Nonetheless, he insists he needs his best friend by his side, so I've agreed to be there. Cate, on the other hand, wants me to attend as it serves as a perfect excuse for us to reunite. We haven't seen each other in a week, and she expresses how much she misses me. Naturally, I miss her too, so I won't let this opportunity slip away.

I'm currently en route to their house, arriving a bit early to spend some time alone with Cate before Dash and Jennifer come over in approximately two hours.


Cate and I lie naked in bed, catching our breaths after our moment together. Dash and Jennifer are scheduled to arrive in 30 minutes, so it's time for us to get dressed.

Y: We should get dressed -I say, standing up.

C: No... Come here -she says, taking me to the bed again, I fall on top of her- We still have thirty minutes.

Y: Okay...

So, we lie there. I'm on top of her, and she's gently stroking my hair. This moment is simply perfect; I don't need anything else in this world.


D: MOM!! Y/N!!

I swiftly cover myself, and Cate does the same.

Fuck! They're early!

Dash stands there, and Jennifer is behind him, both wearing expressions of shock and surprise.

Cate appears to be speechless.

Y: Dash... I...

D: Don't you dare say anything -he's really mad- Jenn, we're leaving.

Following that, Dash and Jennifer exit the house. I shout, "No!" and "Don't leave!" but they opt to disregard my pleas.

Fantastic, I've just lost my best friend, and I suppose it's my fault...

I turn to glance at Cate; she continues to appear speechless.

Y: Cate?

I gently touch her shoulder, and she flinches. As she looks at me, quiet tears begin to stream down her face. I embrace her in my arms, attempting to soothe and comfort her. It seems that this situation has affected her more profoundly than it has me, even though I, too, feel saddened by what transpired. Witnessing her in this vulnerable state is unfamiliar, so I focus on providing comfort and solace. That's how we spend the remainder of the day.


A/n: hiiii!! i'm sorry it took me so long. i started writing this just after i published the last chapter but then i got sick and i couldn't continue, so i only kept writing when i was already feeling good. i'm really really sorry it takes me so long to post such short chapter. i intended for this chapter to be longer but i think this is the best way to end this chapter, so i hope the next one will be little longer and i'll try to post it sooner :)

thank y'all for reading, ily <3

don't forget to comment or vote, so i know if you like the story or not :)

juls <3

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