15. Best friends

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I'm en route to the cafe, and Cate is giving me a ride. I'm nervous and a bit scared. It feels like I've messed up, yet, deep down, I believe I haven't done anything wrong. Perhaps, I just fell for the wrong person, that person being the mother of my best friend.

C: We're here...

Y: I'll call you later -I kiss her cheek and leave the car.

I step into the cafe, and I spot Dash already waiting for me. Greeting him, I take a seat across from him. Soon, a bartender arrives with our orders, and it seems Dash already knows my preferences, as I assume he ordered for me.

D: Do you really like her? -I'm slightly taken aback because I wasn't anticipating that question.

Y: I do, Dash... I know it's weird because she's your mom but... I really do like her...

D: Okay then... -we stay quiet for a few minutes- I've been reflecting on things, and perhaps I was a bit too harsh on both of you. Seeing my mom in bed with my best friend was quite a shock, it's not something I expected to witness.

Y: I completely understand... -I wait a little bit- Are we okay now?

D: Yes, we can go back to being best friends -he laughs- I actually missed you this week.

Y: Mee too! Just in case you hadn't noticed after all of the messages I sent you -I laugh too.

D: Oh god, you're so annoying -he jokes- I should probably talk to my mom too, I'll come back home today.

Y: Where were you staying?

D: With Jenn. Do you think my mom will be angry?

Y: No, not at all. She'll be really happy to see you.

D: Okay.

Dash and I chat for a bit, and then I call Cate to come pick us up. When I mention on the phone that Dash is joining us, she sounds genuinely pleased but also a bit nervous. I make an effort to reassure and calm her down.


I head to my apartment, while Cate and Dash go home. I chose not to accompany them because I'm aware they need to have a conversation, and I didn't want to intrude.

I spend the remainder of my day watching TV.


The following day, Cate comes over to spend the day together at my place.

Y: So... how did it go with Dash? -I ask when we're both sitting on the couch.

C: Good. We had a conversation for a while, and he mentioned that he's okay with it now. I assume he conveyed the same message to you?

Y: Yeah, I'm happy for it.

C: Yeah, me too -she looks down as if she wants to say something but doesn't know how- Y/N?

Y: Yeah?

C: I was contemplating... perhaps we could plan a trip after Christmas, just the two of us, and return right before New Year's Eve. What do you think?

Y: I'd love to! Where were you thinking?

C: I was thinking maybe somewhere in Europe... What country would you like to visit?

Y: Well, I'd like to go everywhere to be honest... but I have family in Spain and I've never been there...

C: You do? Where? We can go there if you want to! -she says very excited.

Y: Yes, in Barcelona! Have you been there?

C: Yeah, but I didn't get to see the city really well, so we could go there! How is it that yoy have family and you've never been there?

Y: 'Cause they visit us here every year so... I don't know... But I always wanted to go to Spain because I speak both Spanish and Catalan.

C: What!? -she says surprised- You speak Spanish AND Catalan!?

Y: Yeah, those are the languages I speak with my parents so...

C: You just keep surprising me, Y/N! More reason to go there now! -I laugh- It's settled, we're going to Barcelona! And before you ask, I'm paying for everything, this will be my christmas gift.

Y: Oh Cate... I can't accept that... It's too much...

C: I don't care what you think, this is my present, you deserve it -she says pecking my lips.

Y: Thanks -I smile and blush a little.


A/n: hello!! not a lot of chapters left, i'm thinking maybe one or two more!!!

I chose Barcelona because I've been there a lot of times and it'll be easier for me to write the chapter so I hope you don't mind! Also, it's my favorite city so I had to write about it <3

I'm writing another story and I'm trying new thingss to improve my writing. I'll start publishing it once I finish this one!!! It'll also be Cate x Y/N

hope ur having a great day!

juls <3

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