16. Barcelona

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Please read the a/n at the end when you finish, at least the important part, I need your help :)

I spent Christmas with my mom; it was just the two of us. I enjoyed it, but I can't deny that I missed Cate. She spent Christmas with her children and Andrew. Despite their divorce, they choose to spend these days together as a family for the sake of the kids.

Cate and I are currently on the plane, just one hour away from Barcelona. I bought a present for her, but I have no idea when I'm going to give it to her. She's been sleeping throughout the entire flight. I can't comprehend how she can be so calm, as I'm feeling a bit anxious here.


We've arrived at the hotel room. This hotel appears quite luxurious; the room is spacious, and the views are spectacular. It's 8 pm, so we're planning to order some food and relax for the evening. Cate mentioned that we'll be exploring all the significant places in the city tomorrow and the next day, so it's crucial that we get some rest.


Cate woke me up this morning with breakfast in bed, and I couldn't be happier. I truly love this woman. We've been exploring some incredible places in the city, and I'm completely and utterly enamored with it. We've visited La Sagrada Família, Arc de Triomf, Parc de la Ciutadella, and everything is just breathtaking; I'm at a loss for words. It's currently lunchtime, and we're seated in a private room at this restaurant that looks exceptionally lavish, clearly, it was her idea. I've brought the present with me, and I plan on giving it to her now.

Y: So... I bought you a present...

C: Oh, darling! You didn't have to!

Y: I wanted to! -I say giving her the present.

She begins unwrapping it, opening the box to reveal the necklace. (everybody has different tastes, so I decided not to put any image and leave it to your imagination)

C: Oh my god! It's beautiful! Thank you, darling. I love it! Can you help me put it on?

I stand up, move behind her, and offer my assistance. Once I'm finished, I sit back down.

Y: You look really beautiful -I say smiling.

C: Thank you, but you're the beautiful one today -she complements and I blush- I love it when you blush.


In the afternoon, we opt to visit the Wax Museum for some entertainment. It turns out to be quite amusing as hardly anyone resembles their real-life counterparts. I end up taking pictures of almost every figure there.

 I end up taking pictures of almost every figure there

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The wax figure of Taylor was surprisingly accurate, but Bowie's

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The wax figure of Taylor was surprisingly accurate, but Bowie's... Let's just say we won't discuss it.


We've just concluded our dinner. We opted for the hotel's restaurant, and it turned out to be a good choice.

C: I was hoping you might like to be my girlfriend but I guess you won't... -she says out of the blue.

Y: Why do you say that? Of course I want to be your girlfriend, Cate -she smiles when I say this.

C: Well, that's that... I love you.

Y: I love you too.


A/n: hello hello!

So this is the last chapter :( I hope you liked the story and I hope you got the Carol reference :)

I actually took those pictures of the wax figures a few weeks ago :)

IMPORTANT: I'm writing three different stories right now, and I don't know which one I should publish first, so please tell me which one you prefer:

-Cate Blanchett x Y/N: You're an actress and you get a part in a movie with Cate and Sarah. (I started writing this like a year ago and, honestly, I don't know how to continue.)

-Florence Pugh x Y/N (and Sandra Bullock's daughter): A lot of things happen in this story and there's a lot of famous people in it, including Cate. I don't want to spoil anything so I'll just say that you also want to become an actress. (This is the one I'm most excited for.)

-Loubbie: Just Loubbie, honestly. (I started writing it a long time ago and the start is pretty clear, but I don't know how to continue.)

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