Chapter 30

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Father hasn't said it outright, but I can tell that he's hoping I will choose to partner with one of the Hazens. Carter would certainly be an interesting husband, as long as I didn't fall for him anyway. Him having such obvious flaws actually makes him a safer choice than the mysterious William. Due to not knowing anything about him, this date is making me more anxious than any other. Wanting to get settled, I purposely arrived fairly early and ordered wine. I text Zayan with one hand while holding a glass in the other.

{When are you going to bring me the gifts you brought back from India?}



{Financially responsible}
{They're in your room to bribe you to come back to my place}

{If only}

{How is it going at home?}

{Too early to tell}
{Bethany put me in my old room and moved Jake to one of the guest rooms}

{Interesting. Wonder where she's going with that?}

{Nowhere good I'm sure. I imagine I'll be hearing passive aggressive comments about it for at least another week}
{It was entirely her decision}
{BTW She redecorated both rooms}

Zayan sends me an eyeroll emoji

{I've finished my 2nd glass of wine - William is ten minutes late and it's making me anxious}
{Carter said this date would never happen maybe he's right and I'm being stood up}

{Maybe wires got crossed at the host stand and you were seated separately check and see if anyone else looks like they're waiting on someone}

The restaurant is crowded and bustling, it's hard to get a good look. With the visual confusion, for a moment I think I recognize one of the other diners, but no one who is obviously waiting on a companion. Just as I decide to wait no more than thirty minutes, my text app dings.

{Honey - this is William Hazen. I'm sorry, but something came up and I won't be able to join you tonight. I've ordered something to be sent to your table and I'll take care of the bill for your meal. Let's try again another time.}

Before I can even update Zayan, a server arrives at my table with a bottle of wine.

"From the gentleman," he gets confirmation from me on the selection before pouring. "I'll be back in a moment to take your order."

{Is a late cancellation better than a straight up no-show?}


{He texts in complete sentences with punctuation and everything sent me a very nice bottle of wine and has paid the bill}

Watching the three dots dance while Zayan types his reply, a familiar voice comes from above me, "Well, well. Look who we have here."

First looking at the hand which suddenly clasped my shoulder, my gaze follows up the length of his arm. Good thing I've already swallowed that first drink of wine, or I'd have spit it out, likely in that unexpected face.


My mother stayed true to her words and had my entire apartment cleared out and redone. From large furniture down to the dishes and utensils, everything except the cabinets and fixtures has been changed.

"You don't know how glad I was to see those ghastly desks gone. Promise me you won't run another business out of here. No woman would tolerate it."

"I won't."

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