Chapter 25

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When they arrive at Savis, Darius brings Honey directly to human resources so they can settle her paperwork and security pass. He gets a phone call and excuses himself from the HR office.

"Ma'am?" he answers the phone with a cool tone.

"Jacob has just told me that he's assigned you to Honey beyond the introduction period." Bethany gets straight to the point.

"Yes, Ma'am, he has."

"Don't you think that is something you should have told me?"

"I haven't had the chance. Mr. Cohen only told me this morning right before she arrived."

"I'll let it slide then, but don't forget where your loyalties lie. You may technically be his assistant, but I'm the one who got you that position and I'm the one who can take it away. You owe me." Her threats against him hover over every conversation they have.

"I haven't forgotten."

"Good. Then I can expect you to report on all her activities?"

"If that is what you wish."

Bethany disconnects the call. She drums her fingers on the door panel of her town car. She'd been the one who recruited Darius Merriweather as Honey's tutor all those years ago. She was also the one who put him forth as Jacob's assistant after Michael died. So far she'd been able to control him, but she didn't like the way he'd been looking at Honey during breakfast this week.

When Honey is finished in HR, Darius takes her to the large conference room. They are greeted by all the Savis HQ department heads. Some of the faces are ones Honey remembers from before. Darius has them introduce themselves and give a brief statement about their department's responsibilities. Darius then goes over the schedule for Honey to spend time shadowing each person. When the brief meeting adjourns, one of the directors, a woman named Donna, approaches Honey. She has been with Savis as long as Jacob has.

She takes Honey's hand in hers. "I'm so glad you're here with us. Your father has always wanted to see his children take over his business. When Quillon died, I was really worried about him. He took it so hard."

This is news to Honey who had never seen a single tear shed by her father.

"Then you left for school abroad, which opened up the possibility that you'd set roots down elsewhere. Especially since you didn't return home while your father was in the hospital. I was afraid Jacob wouldn't get to see the day a child of his took the reins. JJ is so young."

A strange look passes over Honey's face as she listens to Donna. "Yes, well, I'm here now. That's all that matters."

"Yes, it is. I'm sure you'll do a fine job in any department you choose. You can always come to me if you need anything." She lets go of Honey's hand and leaves the room.

Alone with Darius, Honey asks the question which is burning in her mind. "When was my father in the hospital?"

"What kind of question is that?" he retorts.

"An important one. Until Saturday when I showed up unannounced at the Gala, I haven't spoken with a single person in my family or at Savis since the summer I left."

"Seriously?" Darius seems suspicious of her answer.

"Seriously. The last conversation I had with my father was the week I arrived in Korea. My mother wasn't at the address she'd given me so Dad said he'd set up an apartment for me and make sure my school fees were paid. He texted me the address of the apartment later."

"No one called you after that?"

"Not only did no one call me, I could never reach my father. For a while, I was told Dad was too busy and would call me back when he could. Then just over a month after I got into the apartment, my credit accounts were frozen and my bank account was emptied. By that point, my calls weren't answered at all." Honey decidedly leaves out some of the story.

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