Chapter 36

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"What the fuck was that all about Will?"

There is really no avoiding this conversation, so I answered his call.

"Are you deliberately trying to make a fool out of me? Was this fun for you? Did the two of you have a little laugh at my expense?"

"Calm down, Carter. It was nothing like that. None of this was on purpose."

"Yeah, well it sure looks like it was from where I'm standing. Metaphorically and literally earlier."

"I know and I'm really sorry. She had no idea about any of this." I've prepared a version of the truth that should dampen his fire against us. "Listen, it's true that I know her from our time in Korea, but I underplayed our relationship and overplayed her faults a bit."

"A bit?!"

"Yeah, okay? I didn't just have some loose expat connection to her. We dated, are still dating. She didn't know who I really was though. I lied to her or evaded her questions. But I didn't know who she was either. We were both running away from our families and neither one of us wanted to talk about our pasts."

"So you're both liars."

"Just me, this is my fault, not hers."

"She never told me she was dating anyone."

"In her mind we were probably broken up. She just up and disappeared one day wi--"

"Fuck. That's harsh. But what are you doing to these poor girls that they all run out on you like that?"

"They d-- it's not like-- That's neither here nor there. There was a letter, okay? A vague explanation of a situation back home which suddenly came up while I was out of town. She thought she was making it easier on me. I didn't agree, but what was I supposed to do when she wasn't there for me to argue with? I had to hunt for clues to figure out where she went. That was how I found out who she really is, all while I kept my own truth hidden. Until today, she only knew the identity I had in Korea. Hell, I was here for nearly a month before I even told her I was in town. Or, for that matter, that Alaris is my hometown."

Over the course of my story, Carter's breathing softens as he calms down. "Are you fuckin' with me still?" He asks earnestly.

"No, I'm not and I never meant to be. I didn't realize these arranged dates were more than social networking for her, or I would have stepped in sooner. Honestly, if you hadn't messaged me... I just went into a panic and had to get to her as soon as possible. I'm sorry about how that played out."

"Fine, I'll stop being pissed about the scene you caused, but I won't refuse if she wants to proceed."

"I didn't know she would propose marriage, so I can't say exactly what offer she had in mind, but I'm sure she would have helped you gain some collateral to use at HH. That means nothing to me, you know I don't really want to be there. I'm just fulfilling an obligation to my parents before I go back to doing my own thing. So concerning that side of it, I won't stand in your way. Whatever work partnership you two want to have, go ahead. But as for being husband and wife... You're a better choice than most of the pricks she's being set up with, but I can't lose her to anyone."

Carter sighs. "I get that. If you won't stand in my way in business, I won't stand in your way in love."

"Deal. Thanks Cuz."

I trust Carter about as far as I can throw him. Marrying Tally is a much stronger move than simply being her friend and Carter knows that.

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