Twelve: Naked.

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Hunter walked out of a building, becoming surrounded by cameras...

"Here he comes! Mr. Clarington! What do you have to say about cheating by using steroid allegations?"

"I look forward to my day in court. Until then, I have no comment." Hunter said.

"You know, it was Ashleigh Berry from New Directions that outed you? Also, what about the report that you look way too old... to be in high school?"

Hunter gets angry, wrapping his hands around the reporter's neck.

"A blood test administered by the Show Choir Governing Broad... tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs, stripping Dalton Academy of their sectionals title... and, thanks to the young woman, sending Lima's own McKinley High Show Choir to regionals... and a chance to repeat as national champions."

The next morning, everyone was sitting in the choir room, and everyone cheered, clapping their hands...

Finn wrote regionals on the board.

"All right, people, we are back! First of all, big props to Ashleigh... for all her hard work to make this happen." Said Finn.

Ashleigh fist-pumped everyone, hugging Blaine from behind and laughing softly.

"There's no time to celebrate. We've just lost three weeks of practice prep time for regionals, and we still have to raise $400..." Finn tells them.

"Uh-huh Nope. No bake sales, nothing. I've come up with another idea. The Men of McKinley calendar. This is the cutest crop of Glee boys we've ever had. And it's January, so it'd be the perfect time to sell them." Said Ashleigh.

Marley nodded, and Jake stared at Ashleigh.

"There are six guys, so two months each. I think Blaine should... definitely do December. You can do a Santa thing, but make it super sexy. Sexy Claus." Ashleigh tells him.

"I'm in as long as I can take my shirt off." Sam says, imitating Matthew McConaughey.

"Hmm, if you stop with the impressions, Sam, please. Just for today." Ashleigh said.

"Why just the guys? I mean, girls look good in bikinis. I mean, I'm sure you will. You've got a banging bod." Artie says, looking at Ashleigh.

"Hey! Hey." Blaine said, pointing his finger at Artie.

"Guys won't buy calendars, Artie." Ashleigh tells him.

"This could actually work. Ashleigh, you're in charge. You can set up the photo shoots. Everyone else, pick your months." Finn says.

"Ashleigh, what are you doing after school today?" Asked Brittany.

After school, Ashleigh was around Brittany's for Fondue for two...

"Welcome back to Fondue For Two. You may know tonight's guest as the girl... who ruined sectionals for everyone, but now she's known as the girl who's gotten us to regionals. Give it up for McKinley's very own president, Ashleigh Berry." Brittany said, clapping her hands.

Ashleigh smiled, staring at her cat.

"So, Ashleigh, is it, uh, true you spent six hours... waiting in line to see The Hunger Games?" Brittany asked.

"I mean, I love those books." Ashleigh says.

"Do you think you relate to The Hunger Game, especially with the love triangle between Gale, Katniss, and Peeta, or because you yourself are hungry?" Asked Brittany.

"Uh... growing up, my dad's said that I was a pet psychic." Ashleigh tells her.

"That's cool. Tell me what Lord Tubbington's thinking right now." Brittany says.

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