Chapter Eighteen

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Princess's POV

Seeing Bianca so freaking jealous of me with another woman was the icing on my cake, and she let me know that Bianca was madly in love with me, and she didn't even know it despite trying very hard to deny it. I had noticed the signs, but today proved it all.

Princess, or would I call her Emilie is married to a man and came here because we were extremely close and she wished to spend something before leaving to take over her mother's realm. We were both the same but opposite of each other, but we both had mutual understanding about it, as we are friends.

Bianca had behaved that way and stormed off to her room. Emilie turned around and smirked at me, stating that Bianca needed to be assured that I was for her only.

But on a second thought, she isn't a lesbian, Princess Emilie had asked me.

Yes, she is not a lesbian, but that doesn't mean she can become gay someday, as I suggested.

Oh, okay, if you say so, she agrees with me.

While Emi and I watched television together in the living room, Bianca came downstairs and went to get the door. Later on, I saw her with drinks, food, and pizza she had ordered for herself. Refusing to talk with me, when I asked her a question, Bianca stormed off with her orders, making sure that I heard the door slam.

Emilie and I jerked so hard due to the sound of her slamming the door shut. And that's when I knew that my girl was possessive and protective and didn't want me to be shared by anyone but her. I didn't want her to think that I was just using her, and I also needed to reassure her that my feelings were genuine.

As I thought about what I was going to say to her, Bianca came downstairs to where I was and dropped some food on the table before exiting her room. No words were exchanged, but then I received a beep from my phone, and when I checked, It was Bianca letting me know that the food belonged to me. I thanked her, and she left me to read.

I ate the food and shared it with Emil, and when I was done, I went to the room and thanked Bianca, who refused to respond to me because she was upset with me. I came downstairs to let Emil know that I wanted to go to bed and call it a night. We wished each other a good night out, and I went to bed.

Days went on and on, and no words were spoken towards me by Bianca. She had distanced herself from me entirely and only spoke when needed. I had to talk to her soon, as with each passing day, my heart broke.

Needing to talk things out with her, I went to her room and knocked on her door for a while. And when she wasn't answering, I threatened her that I would break down the door if she didn't open it. Hurriedly, she opened the door and strolled up to the bed, and I followed suit, closing the door.

When she laid down, I sat down on the bed with her and asked her why she was refusing to speak to me.

And she said that it was because I had made her feel a kind of connection with her, and afterwards, I did the same thing that I had done to her with Emilie, my friend.

Oh, kitten, I said. The feelings that I have for Emil are those of a platonic friendship with her, and what I felt about you was totally different. Are you jealous that I am hanging out with her? I asked Bia.

No, pffft, why would I think such a thing or be jealous? You are not my type, you know, and I was trying to make you understand that you weren't having my time, unlike before, she said, denying the truth that she was jealous of me with Emil.

Oh, that hurt, you know, baby girl. If you say so, then I will leave you alone with your feelings for a while.

I was really hurt by the fact that she said that I wasn't her type. My mother warned me about her, but I didn't want to let go. I knew that the moment I stepped out of the room was the last time I would have feelings for her.

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