Chapter Thirty- Five

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Princess's POV

The following morning, we headed downstairs to eat as we believed that the commotion had died down and everything would be in order. We ate and showed our relationship without being scared, and the siblings were happy for us. When we thought everything was fine, Bianca's mother returned that afternoon with a pastor who would deliver Bianca from the spirit of lesbianism.

The prayers and commotions began pissing me the fuck off and made me laugh. But I just didn't want him to put some demons on my girl, as he kept trying to place his hands on her, and she kept dodging him, but no, he couldn't take no for an answer.

So, when I came, his eyes wanted to budge out of his socket as he stared at me like I had grown two horns. Thank fuck, he knew who the heck I was, and it was better that he knew who I was and stopped placing his dirty fucking hands on my girl before I killed him and soiled this family with blood, for which I didn't care. The only care that I gave was to Bianca, whom I didn't want her to see, and I didn't mind us spilling blood while we had sex.

But not now, Princess, I had scolded myself, as it wasn't the time to do that. I looked at him in the eyes and showed him the eyes with which no one ever saw me except those that I wanted to terrify or kill. I smirked at the moment, and he fell down and screamed his ass off.

She is a monster, and I bind the spirit out, he said. He sprayed the water on my face and body.

Tsssk, I thought of how much pain and suffering I would inflict upon him when destroying or killing him slowly. I didn't want to give him that satisfaction of losing my cool and shit in front of my girl, Bianca.

So what I did was pretend and make a scene stating that I wasn't of any such. And that's when Bianca stepped up and ordered his ass out of the house before I could continue my dramatic self. I couldn't wait to get my hands on him and kill him to my satisfaction, as I wanted nothing more than to rip his head off.

But the man refused and said that Bianca was under a spell, or, you mean, in love, and didn't want me to be disrespected in any way. The next minute, Bianca took his ass straight out of the house and didn't care about what she had done. Her mother then slapped her for the act she had portrayed.

I knew who the hell I was, but I didn't want to show it to her because I was afraid of what she was capable of doing and didn't want to lose her in any way. So, I pretended like I didn't know who I truly was, but Bianca's mother was not falling for it. If her daughter fell for it because she was blinded by me and liked me, then it wasn't going to turn out and play out like that with her mother.

I did kill people who had the slightest idea about me, as I didn't want some blabbermouths spilling my secrets to the world. I just believed that ending their lives was just the icing on the cake, and I didn't care one bit that I was very evil and the only good side of me was that to Bianca.

The reason I was that way towards her was because she was my equal and my queen. Someone that I saw ruling beside me and being powerful enough that those in the underworld wouldn't dare cross us. But I still couldn't hurt her, even when we weren't together, because she was a little different than the rest. And she brought so much humanity to me that I couldn't resist stopping, and all of me belonged to her.

The bickering began with Bianca and her mother, and I was beyond tired of it and somewhat thrilled that she kept supporting me all the way through. That night was so tense that nobody ate at the dining table except in their various rooms, and the next morning, we took our baths and came to eat our breakfast together.

And that's when we noticed that Bianca's mother had refused to come downstairs for breakfast, lunch, and even dinner. Feeling guilty that she fought her own mother, Bianca went with a tray of food for her mother and to apologise and try to explain why she was upset about the situation, but her mother bluntly refused.

That's how days went on with her mother not communicating with her. And it became affecting Bianca, as she loved her mother so much that she couldn't see reasons why not. So, I went ahead to talk with the mother and ask why you would do something like that. Normally, I really do not give a damn, but all this was for my woman, who I couldn't stand seeing and being hurt by the circumstances of the situation.

I went to her room and knocked on the door, and when she asked who was at the door, I told her that it was me.

What do you want, you little sneaky monster? Her mother barked.

See, I know that you don't like it, and the reason I am here in the first place is because of your daughter, Bianca, whom I care deeply for and am in love with. In the first place, I wouldn't be here wanting to have this conversation when I know that my girl is hurting, and that seems to bother me.

And then she opened up the door with her prayer weapons, and I raised my hands in surrender, as I wasn't ever going to end her because that would hurt Bianca, and I couldn't watch her suffer from the pain. She has suffered enough already, and I didn't want it to be me who would bear the cost of her pain. I couldn't imagine such a thing, as I would be hurting too.

Take it easy there, lady, I told her. I am not here to kill you, but to discuss some important issues. I know that you know me, but that doesn't warrant you being a freaking asshole to your daughter, who suffered enough.

Who the hell do you think you are, you little del...

Before she continued her statement, I showed her my eyes true form and tssk when she wanted to say it.

I don't think that you should say that to me when you're alone, and I could kill you and pretend that I don't know what really happened to you. I don't give a fuck about your selfish self, but I care about how Bianca would feel about the situation of her only mother dying before she reconciled with her. The pain and suffering that she would experience would result in a painful experience, which I would not like.

So, you better pick your old ass up and go reconcile with Bianca, or I will kill you slowly, or rather, make your daughter hate you. The horror and excitement it would bring would cost the both of us, but then that would be boring as I didn't have my excitement with you.

Now, let's do this like reasonable and responsible adults who have maturity in them and co-exist together until we leave, but if you refuse, I would result in the boring option, I said, yawning.

If you want me to talk to my daughter, I need you to leave her alone and my family, and if you refuse to, I will expose you to her before you end me.

She was setting me off, and it was actually working. But all I did was smirk and laugh like a deranged lunatic.

You expose me to your daughter, I said and laughed. Really, and you think that I am just so stupid that I would not be one step ahead of you? Try it and you lose the one thing you cherish the most, I warned her.

And a little birdie told me something that I am sure that your other children wouldn't want to hear. How their mother sacrificed her unborn child to fulfil something but backfired when it was another sacrificial child to be given, which was Bianca.

But you couldn't, and that's what landed you in the hospital in the first place. And you would be surprised because that person that you have been sacrificing to is someone who I know.

Would you like your children to know that the main reason why you want to marry Bianca is because you were told to end her life as a virgin, not knowing that she is dating the most powerful woman in the underworld who would protect her from what you signed up to?

So, let's call it equal and keep each other's secrets, as you wouldn't want your children and those around you to know the one secret that killed your husband after finding out what you did. I will keep my lips, but I hope you do that.

Okay, I told her, and I dead-pandered which I believed she understood.

And she nodded her head, and after that, I walked back to the room after thanking her and smirking while I walked back.

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