My son (3)

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It was Monday, the start of a brand new week and the beginning of the Sully family being back in your and your son's life. You had yet to see anyone else from your past. You had spent the whole morning preparing yourself mentally for anyone else making a surprise appearance. Spider walked to school with Tsyeria and her brothers, so you drove straight to work. Deep down, you are hoping nothing wrong will happen today and that this day will be peaceful and ordinary or quiet everyday life for you and the spider.

Garvin "Hey y/n, how are you doing this morning?"

Y/n " I'm doing well how about you garvin"

Garvin " good as I can be but we have some newbies here here with us today so it going to be very crowded around here"

Y/n " well it always good to have more work around here and learn from new comers"

Garvin " you are here early you mostly come on a bit later"

Y/n " well spider walked to school today with his friend which meant I can come into work at this time, beating the morning school rush"

Garvin " oh well I hope spider is doing well you should bring him over again we love having him around"

Y/n " I will him and tonowari kids love being here see what we are working on and being helpful"

Garvin " sometimes getting in trouble as well" you and Garvin soon laugh at the comment the four teens were helpful but it always seem like the three boys were always getting, into some type of adventure around here on the beach outside of the laboratory.

????? " y/n" you soon heard your name getting called you soon turned around and soon saw two faces from the past, it was norm and max they look shock to see you.

Norm " y/n"

Garvin " y/n you know our new arrivals wow if I told you their names you could of told me"

Y/n " yes I know them I use to work with them and we were old friends in the town we were living in, until I and my son moved away and started our lives here"

Garvin " oh" Garvin did know of the backstory about you and spider life but he didn't push that much trying to get more from you and spider.

Max " you have changed so much since we last saw you, and you are looking amazing"

Y/n " thank you "

Norm " have you seen Jake and the kids yet"

Y/n " yes they are my new neighbors I saw them this weekend"

Max " that wonderful we are living in the same neighborhood as well, it will be good to see spider again how the kid going"

Y/n " he is doing well my son has made a new life for him here"

Norm " that wonderful I hope we can see him again we have all missed him and you as well, you lab had stayed empty we felt wrong by someone replaced you"

Y/n " that is honorable norm and max"

????? " this is our research laboratory where our scientists and engineers do their research, these studies are from the ocean and beaches around here"

????? " wow that amazing I and council hope our scientists and engineers could be helpful during our time here, as we asked to a major favor"

????? "It okay and I hope they can be helpful as well now we can go speak to the lead of the laboratory Garvin ... oh Garvin good morning I brought over jake sulky and his second in command Tsu'tey"

Garvin " hello"

Tonowari " hello y/n you are here as well y/n here had joined us a couple years ago and soon, started doing great th8ngs here"

Jake " y/n"

Y/n " hello Jake and Tsu'tey it been a while"

Tsu'tey " y/n hello I'm happy to see you again"

Tonowari " wait you know them"

Y/n " yes I know them tonowair they all are old friends of mine and Jake kids are old friends of my son, until we moved here and started new here"

Tonowari " oh yes I remember the children and you had mention something about them"

Jake " y/n we are so happy to see you again I know we didn't talk that much last time we saw you and spider"

Y/n " it okay jake well it looks like I will be working with my old colleagues and friends I hope this goes well, I will do my best to be helpful towards you all"

Max " thank you y/n"

Y/n " you are welcome"

Tsu'tey " How is spider doing"

Y/n " he is doing well thank you for asking Tsu'tey":

Tsu'tey " I hope I can see the kid again he meant so much to me when he was younger and I was sad that you both left, but I understand why you had to leave"

Y/n " yes but if you all excuse I will leave you all to talk and finish this tour, as I have some stuff I need to attend to" you soon walked away but caught jake and the others looking at you as you walked off from them. They all had different looks that they were giving you as you walked away, but Tsu'tey was giving you a look of heartbreak and maybe some hope as well. There was a romantic history between you and Tsu'tey and you had thought the one for you and he had stand up to become a father to spider, but that all soon ended when everything started going downhill for you and spider .

Y/n " oh great mother give me strength as I'm going to need it" you had gotten some tea and soon sipped it was you sat at your desk, thinking of who you had seen already and trying to prepare yourself for anyone else you will be seeing today.

Y/n " oh great mother please watch over my son and give him strength as well"You are also hoping that soiled was fair out better then you right now as you knew he was, going to have a harder time facing the kids from his past the one who were nice and the once's who were not so nice.

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