part 2 - the new recruitment

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The whole members are in prepration for their new attack on next month . Yeah it is necessary for their existence. The bodyguards were in intense training to face the fully force enemies . Suddenly someone came with the news to the training room .

Big : Some joined our team guys.

Every one : what ? At this moment a new member . It's gonna be difficult for us . We don't know his potency ! What if he is not compatible? We are gonna loose . . We are submitting our life on this mission.

Pete : yeah, it is difficult for him too . But I think we need more strength to win . If he is recruied to this post that means he must be potent . I think .

Big : I heard that korn itself made him join the group . And he also saved khun kinn's life from attackers last week . Him alone .

Every one also pete : what ! 😳 he alone .

Pete : if it is a decision from sir korn it must be best . I am sure . Smrinks ....

Suddenly kinn appears to the training hall and he is sure that everyone Heard bout the news of new man saving him . He didn't came alone also a handsome guy followed him . Kinn introduced him to everyone one .

Kinn : hey guys , this is Porsche . My new personal bodyguard. He is also joining our mission next month. Pete ! You are incharge of training him. And explain everything here . Okey ?? And he is gonna share a dorm with you

Pete : yes khun kinn . 😁

He is happy that he got a new roommate . After kinn left every one started murmuring . Porsche felt awkward . Pete noticed it . Since he is a caring person he started a chat with Porsche .

Pete : I will take you to our room .

Porsche agreed. He showed around the mansion to him . On there way back Porsche asked pete

Porsche : why everyone started to murmur when kinn left .

Pete : oh that, it is the first time that khun kinn introduced a bodyguard himself to us . And he also assigned me to take care of you . It is something rare . Hmm you are something special. Haha

Porsche blushed : shut up . Haha

Pete : your arrival news must be spread everywhere by now. You are going to be quite famous. Here. Also you are this handsome no one is going to leave you. Haha
Porshce : you are also cute . I never have believed that you are the main bodyguard if I see you first time without introduction . Haha

They laughs. They suddenly became best friends . Pete trained him . Pete also explained to him about the minor family members especially vegas . Also news about new bodyguard reached minor family , vegas also heard that he is recruied by korn himself . And kinn also has eye on his bodyguard .

On the minor mansion . There is also prepration going on. Vegas making plan from his side . After hearing the news about the bodyguard he felt strange . Something is odd. So he wanted to know more about porshce. He asked someone one background check on him .

Vegas on his room working in his table. Suddenly someone knocked the door . He said " come in " in English.

That man : why don't even look on me . Since I dressed up only to show you.

He said in his seductive voice . Vegas looked at him . That is one of his boys . Vegas smrinks . He knows that the boy came with information about Porsche .

Vegas : oh it's a feast to my eyes . Why did you come? . I should have meet you in our usual place.

Actually vegas hate it when someone enters his room with such motives.

That boy : I couldn't wait until we meet again it's rare that you contact me . He Said that in a sad voice.

Vegas : then wait for me . We will go for a ride . So that we can have our privacy.

That boy : oh , why don't we speak in your room vegas . Plzz.

Vegas : I said let's meet outside ( that was little scary )

That boy scared by vegas reaction . Okay I will wait in your car then .

He left to the parking lot . Saying to himself : when will he let that wall down . I can't even peak . What do he think of himself . But he is hot. I can't let him go he is also superrich . If he make me his boyfriend . Then it is a lifelong settlement . Only reason I am here for. He sighs and enter the car .

Vegas reaches the bar with that boy . That boy passes the information about Porsche . Also get to know that kinn have an eye on Porsche .

That boy : enough with that shitty talks . Why don't we get into our business. Hold vegas 's collor who was sitting on the sofa of the bar.

Vegas : smrinks and yeah why don't we.

Then they go into the luxury room of a hotel .they kisses on the way . Vegas says to himself it tastes BITTER. Thet spends the night there. At morning vegas leaving by leaving money on the table.

That boy : vegas you are leaving ?

Vegas : yeah, that I got what I needed . The thing that you needed is on the table . And let's not meet again . And also don't come to my home again I hate it .

Vegas left the room . He hears the screaming of that boy from the room vegaaaaaaaaas............ well he don't mind .

Late at 10 am . Vegas reaches major mansion. Got a lot in his mind . He enters the mansion . He saw that the two of the bodyguards smoking at the corner . He stops and leans to see. He smrinks and said :" now I got why kinn fell for him . He is damn hot . " Suddenly they saw vegas bows and ran stands too stunned to speak .

Meanwhile pete and Porsche slipped out from tankhun's hand for smoking .

Porsche : I really don't understand how did you guys survive from him . Don't you guys get bored by seeing the same thing for the hundredth time .

Pete lights his cigarette : you will know that how we are surviving. He is a good guy . His crazyness is bit higher . But he is the only one who is standing for us bodyguards when we need help. So don't mind him. When he love he gives heart .

Porsche : oh pete . You know you should be placed in a church. You are such an angel. I never ever heard you saying anything bad about others.

Pete : ok then you should worship me . Now let's finish this quick and go back .

Porsche : no. Some more minutes. Plz...

Pete : if we get caught , we will never get times like this . So hurry fast

Then porshce notices someone looking at them.

Por: hey pete who is that looking at us. I never seen him before .
Pete looks: damn it's vegas . Hurry drop the cigarette and bow.
Both of them bowed and hurried back .

Pete : it's strange that he never noticed we bodyguards especially major family. He kinda ignore as but why did he smrink at us like that.

Porsche : how do I know. Well you know a lot about him . I noticed that you are speaking lot about him . The thing that he loves the thing that hates. Hmmm interesting. ( porshce tell in a teasing manner )

Pete blushes : stop it porshce he is only a master to me . So I should know about his likes and hates. It's my duty here.

Porsche : well then I think you are more loyal to minor family . You know lot of things about vegas' than kinn. Haha

Vegas meet with kinn and before leaving vegas saw porache coming to kinn's office room for giving files . suddenly looked at kinn's face , vegas saw the same smile and glare on kinn's eyes that he had saw many years back when kinn met his first and true love. Vegas always have the tendency to take away what kinn have . Also Porsche is much more beneficiary to him now. So vegas decides to make a move on Porsche .....

On the hall when vegas' saying bye to kinn. Vegas extends his towards porshce and says
" hi I am vegas you are that new handsome bodyguard right Porsche "

Everyone in the hall stunned by the action of vegas.also pete Kinn smells something bad.

What just happened?.....

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