part 16 - Meet Again

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Everything went back, before pete came . There is no communication between macau and Vegas . It hurted them a lot. But macau doesn't wanted to speak to vegas.

It's morning macau got ready and went to have breakfast. Vegas also reached the table. When vegas sat down, macau stood up without touching any food.

Vegas : until when will you ignore me , Macau?

Macau: we were like this once . Now you got a problem?

Vegas: if it is about pete..

Macau : seriously,you don't have to tell his name. It may disgust you . You wanted to hurt him and you did it. You must be happy for your victory phii.

Vegas : please macau just stop being like this.

Macau : I know that phii, it's also difficult for me. Give me some time to forgive you phii. Phii pete felt like a big brother for me like you. After mom died I never felt such warm from anyone. Maybe that's why I got attached to him . I also know that he loved you. I am not blind.

You know ,on that days he waited for you to come home. No one Ever did that for you right? . He cried when you were injured. He cared for you. I thought that you also loved him . I didn't know that my brother is just using his love to get a revenge. How much would have he hurted phii. When I saw you with Porsche , I was shocked. I saw phii pete eagerly waiting to see you at that day. He tried so much to talk to you. What did you do in return? Hmm. When I saw his face he was unable to control his tears . I felt pathetic.

When did you become so cruel? You were not like this. ..

Vegas stood up didn't tell anything back. He knows he is in the wrong side.

Macau felt bad the he yelled at vegas. Maybe he is regretting too. He made up his mind, vegas is his real brother. Pete came only 4months back .that he will be ok without pete. Also pete didn't call macau after that incident. Macau felt like pete also didn't care about him that's why he didn't call. ( he is a child so he thinks silly)

Months passed it's been 6 months after the incidents.

Macau started to talk to vegas . Vegas going good with his business. Porsche broke up with vegas. That they both realised that it is not working between them. They remained as friends. Everyone missed pete . Tankhun didn't tried to reach him . He thought that he should give time to pete to overcome his grandmother's death. And he was sure that pete will come back when Even Porsche dropped the thought that Pete's return.

Macau's birthday was going to celebrate on minor mansion . Another function in 6 months. Everyone one was invited. Vegas went major mansion himself to invite everyone. Even though he now also hates them he have to do. Vegas bought gifts for his little brother. He also achieved a significant amount of trust in his business.. he did grow in business in these 6 months, which made gun proud.

It's 10 pm . Vegas was working on his chamber. He is wearing his pajamas and wearing glasses. suddenly the phone rings. It is Porsche. He flips the phone that he didn't wanted to attend the call. 3 missed calls were there .

Macau: phii.

Vegas : hmm . Don't feel like sleeping? that you came to annoy me. ?

Macau : I came to know what are you going to give me as a birthday gift.

Vegas : anything but not a video game.

Macau: phii. Please I am only asking for this.

Vegas : nope .

Macau pouts and leaves. Vegas felt happy that macau started relying on him. Everything is seems fine now. Macau has thrown a big tantrum for pete. Without vegas compelling he started to speak to vegas. On the mess vegas created to himself . It was a relief for him .

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