!! Here we go !! (~Prologue~)

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*A/N~ You can skip the prologue if you'd like.*

"I think you miss-malfoyed us again"

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"I think you miss-malfoyed us again"


*Third person POV*

The pitter-pattering of feet could be heard in the magnificent manor that resided at the edge of Wiltshire, as the two siblings ran around trying to shove as much as they could into their trunks. Who are these siblings you may ask? Why only the Malfoy twins.

Y/n, the eldest by 4 minutes and 23 seconds. The best four minutes of her life as she likes to say. Oh, and there's Draco, the younger -and far more dramatic- sibling.

"Y/nnn get off of me! I want to go say goodbye to Dobby!" the boy whined as his sister sat on him with the weight of a billion boulders. Well, that's what it felt like when she also grabbed her trunk for more weight.

"Not until you admit it! You took my transfiguration book from my pile when I wasn't looking-" Just as she started accusing him, something familiar caught her eye. It was her transfiguration book, lying on the floor, right next to her bed.

The girl froze. If she got up and told him, she would give him something to tease her about, but she couldn't stay on top of him forever. Could she? As she began to think about her and her brother growing old like this, her brother cried out,

"I swear I didn't take it! Now get your fat arse off of me!"

Suddenly a third voice cut in, causing both of the bickering children to freeze. "DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY! YOU WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE OR YOU WON'T BE GETTING THAT DOLL FOR YOUR FANTASY QUIDDITCH GAME!!!" Their mother walked into the room with a sharp look directed at Y/n, "And you," she pointed a crooked finger towards the girl "Get off your brother this instant!" Narcissa Malfoy was definitely not a morning person.

Draco turned away from his sister with a pout once she finally got off of him. "It's not a doll. Besides, fantasy quidditch is cool! Just ask Dobby..." With that, the young wizard left the room to finish packing his own trunk.

Now for those of you who don't already know from the many, many, MANY context clues, these two chaotic children are going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. That's right, these two are a witch and wizard! Crazy right? I mean who would've guessed? 

(casually breaks the fourth wall)

Y/n grabbed her book from the floor and finished packing until her mother called her down so they could leave for the train.


The Malfoy family soon arrived at platform 9¾. Y/n gazed at the brilliant -and very shiny- Hogwarts express in awe, but the bliss was interrupted by a nudge to her shoulder. Y/n turned to glare at Draco but was met with a much more pleasant sight instead.

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