!! Yr 3 !! (~Caught in the dark~)

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"What are you two doing out here this late

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"What are you two doing out here this late...in the dark...alone" 


*Third Person POV*

The four were sitting at a cozy table in the corner of the pub. Y/n had brought out a galleon to flip a coin, to decide who would go up and get the drinks, when Ron abruptly stood up.

"I'll go get them." Ron squeaked out while adjusting his hat, red in the face. He quickly walked over to order the butterbeers, leaving the one smirking Hermione and two confused children.

"That's Madam Rosmerta, Ron fancies her." Hermione told Harry and Y/n. The two nodded and looked at each other, Y/n looking away right as she made eye contact with the Potter boy. She could feel his eyes still on her as Ron came back with four steaming tankards of butterbeer.

They all grabbed their own and took sips, happy to warm up from it. Hermione begins to choke, her eyes going wide as she points to something. Y/n tries to help her calm down by rubbing her back while the two boys look over to where she's pointing. Y/n looks over as well and panics upon seeing Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, Hagrid and Cornelius Fudge walk into the pub.

Y/n grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him off his seat, shoving him under the table. He places a hand on her knee to save himself from clashing with it as he hits his head on the bottom of the table. A small 'ow' is heard from under her, making Y/n laugh. 

Hermione grabbed her wand and pointed it at a tree near them, making it grow slightly and move sideways, successfully hiding the group of four.

Harry looks up at Y/n from under the table with a pout on his lips, rubbing the spot on his head that he had hit. Y/n looks down and notices his pout, smirking at him.

"Oh you big baby, it didn't hurt that bad." She says, rolling her eyes at the boy. He crosses his arms at her statement, but moves closer to her nonetheless.

The group of teachers walked over to a table near the one the four children were sitting at, taking seats of their own. Soon Madam Rosmerta walks over, a tray of drinks in her hand. She gives each teacher their drinks and then the Minister his, going to walk away but being stopped by a voice. A voice that makes Y/n, Harry, Hermione and Ron listen closely. 

"Why else would I be here, but for Sirius Black of course." Fudge says, quieting his voice down and looking around for any listening ears.

"Do you think Black might still be around these parts, Minister?" Madam Rosmerta asks as McGonagall nods her head and takes a sip of her drink. 

Harry leaned closer to try and hear better, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. Y/n could see the look of worry on his face as he leaned away from her. She pat him on the shoulder as the Minister continued speaking with Madam Rosmerta.

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