!! Yr 4 !! (~Bickering through paper~)

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*Welcome to the year that your hopes will get extremely high but nothing happens!*

*Welcome to the year that your hopes will get extremely high but nothing happens!*

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"Did you just touch my ass?"


*Third Person POV*

 "I need to go, write to me, yeah? I love you, bye!" With that, Y/n runs off to find her brother.

Draco is waiting for her with both of their trunks in his hand as he taps his foot on the ground impatiently. 

"How could you put Dovey on the ground?" Y/n quickly runs over to her annoyed looking brother and picks up her owl's cage. "Come on. The driver must be here by now." Y/n places Dovey in one hand and grabs her trunk with the other before walking off.

Draco stares at her for a moment, surprised by the fact that she can hold her trunk -that's heavier than his and Blaise's combined- with just one hand. 

"Come on, Draco! I won't wait for you!" Y/n yells as she's already near the car.

He picks up his things and runs after his sister, knowing that she'll leave him behind at any given opportunity. "Wait up!"

The car ride is slow and quiet as Y/n looks out the window contemplating her summer plans. Draco, on the other hand, is dreading the summer. He won't be able to have many group hang outs without his sister anymore since Y/n won't have the Gryffindor's to bother. Now he's stuck with her.

"Can you scoot over a little bit? It feels like your breathing down my neck." Draco says as he sits a good amount away from his sister.

Y/n looks at him annoyed, "I'm not even near you. If I scoot any more I'll fall out the car."


Y/n flicks Draco in the ear, starting an all out fight to the death. Draco is trying to hit Y/n in the face, his seatbelt stopping his arms from reaching, and Y/n is trying to kick him from her awkward sitting position in the car.

"We're here, Mister and Miss Malfoy." The driver says, his tone a mix of boredom and relief of not having to drive these two anymore. The car passes through the front gate and comes to a halt at the front door. 

"Finally!" They both say at the same time. 

The two jump out of the car and grab their bags from the trunk before running up to the front door. Draco pushes it open and runs in excitedly, leaving his sister in the dust.

"Mum? We're home!" Y/n shouts into the house, her words echoing back to her. "Are you?" She asks to herself as she looks around her eerily empty home. Y/n walks up the stairs to her bedroom, tired from the long train ride. She opens her door and throws her bag and trunk to the side, walks over her desk to place Dovey's cage down, and flops down on her bed in exhaustion.

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