!! Yr 3 !! (~The werewolf, the dog and the rat~)

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(A/n~ Why does this gif look so goofy 😭)

"It's not like I stuck my hand up your arse or something

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"It's not like I stuck my hand up your arse or something."


*Harry's POV*

"No, Harry. You don't." Lupin says impatiently. "Now just listen."


"The map," Professor Lupin begins, his voice even and calm as usual. "You left it with me and I saw your names, Sirius', an-"

"How did you know how to work it?" I interrupt him, curious about how he got it to work. I hear Y/n huff and I can imagine the pout she has on her face most likely annoyed that I interrupted him.

"I made it." He says casually.


"You-" I stop, not knowing what to say after that.

"Are you Moony?" Y/n asks from beside me, a curious glimmer in her eyes.

"Indeed, I am. I created it, along with my other friends, the marauders."

I nod along as Y/n and Hermione share interested glances with one another. Ron stands on my other side, completely spaced as he soaks in all of this information.

"That's beside the point, however. I saw your names on the map, but I also saw someone else's name. You were being accompanied by someone." Lupin says, eyeing Ron's rat for some reason.

"Sirius Black?" Hermione states, though it sounds much more like a question.

"No, he came after, someone else was with you. Someone who wasn't exactly a someone at the time-"

"This is a load of bull shit! There was nobody with us!" I yell, my patience wearing thin.

Y/n shakes her head and I can practically see the gears turning in her brain.

"May I see your rat for a moment, Ron?" Lupin asks, placing his hand out.

"What does Scabbers have to do with this?" Ron looks around, the slight fear clear in his eyes as he looks around at all of our faces. Y/n nods at him and places a hand on his shoulder and suddenly I get this odd feeling in the pit of my stomach. Ron shakes his head skeptically and looks at me. I shake my head to tell him not to hand Scabbers over just yet.

"It has everything to do with this." Lupin sighs, his hand still hanging in the air, waiting.

Hermione looks to Y/n curiously and I look hopefully at the both of them, hoping to get some answers, but Y/n simply shrugs and looks back to our professor with a wide smile on her face.

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