!! Yr 3 !! (~Death by bird~)

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"Go make friends with the animals like your disney princess nature calls for"

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"Go make friends with the animals like your disney princess nature calls for"


*Harry's POV*

The next morning I walked into the great hall for breakfast, definitely not prepared for classes. Hermione and Ron were arguing about something. Their fifth argument just this morning, I've taken to keeping count.

I was walking past the slytherin table, scanning it to see if I was in the clear of any Malfoys or other obnoxious people who can't take a hint. I noticed that they weren't there yet, meaning I was in the clear. I smiled, walking a little bit more relaxed.

 Unfortunately, I celebrated too early.

"Hey Potter, see any dementors lately?" I could hear the all too familiar voice say from behind me. I turned to see Malfoy and his gang of slytherins, Y/n not being one of them. Not that I noticed or anything...

"What do you want Malfoy, I'm busy," I said, annoyed. The blonde boy just sneered at me before pushing past me, bumping my shoulder in the process. I clenched my jaw, trying not to get in trouble in the first week of school. I turned and made my way over to where Ron and Hermione sat down, so absorbed in their disagreement that they hadn't noticed the fact that they left me behind. Or the fact that I joined them for that matter.


The door to the great hall was flung open, Y/n appearing in the doorway with an upset look on her face. Someone is in for it , I think to myself. I watch her walk over to the hufflepuff table making grabby hands at a young girl. The girl hands a paper over to Y/n and she reads it over, frowning at something. The two begin to talk, but are interrupted by Professor McGonagall. 

I'm finally able to catch a bit of what they are saying, "Miss Malfoy, now is not the time for a chat with your friend here. Get to your table." "But Professor, my child got a crazy schedule-" "Go," "You don't understand, she barely knows her abc's," The younger girl looked offended at this comment but Y/n continued none the wiser, "She can't be taking this many classes! Look at her," she grabbed hold of the young girls face, squishing her cheeks. "Miss Malfoy less you want extra homework on the first week of school, you best go back to your table and not make a peep" "But-" "Not a peep!"

Y/n handed the small girl her schedule, walking away slightly deflated but with a determined look on her face. She passed by me, making eye contact. 

"Staring problem, Potter?" She asks me as she walks by.

She thinks that she's so much better than everyone just because her parents have money. So did mine and you don't see me acting like that.

"No, but you definitely do. I always find you looking at me. Perhaps I'm more irresistible than I thought..." I say, smirking at her. I always seem to get under her skin when I say things like that, but this time was different.

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