!! Yr 3 !! (~Maps and mishaps~)

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"I guess we'll have to go see a shark fart sometime, then

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"I guess we'll have to go see a shark fart sometime, then."


*Third Person POV*

It was the morning of the first quidditch match that year and everyone was already taking teams. This year, the first match was Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff, and as much as most slytherins disliked hufflepuffs, they rooted for them. Y/n on the other hand, was rooting for both. Though Eliza wasn't on the quidditch team, Y/n couldn't disrespect her daughter's house like that. She also couldn't disrespect her husb- I mean friends house either. Even if the gryffindors were being unnecessarily cocky about the upcoming match.  

The slytherin gang sat in their usual spot in the great hall. Eating and exchanging homework answers.

"Are you dumb? It's not pronounced Transfiguration it's Transfiguration." Daphne says to Pansy who was talking about the notes she had to take for miss cat ladies class. 

They all looked at the girl as if she were an alien. "You said the same thing twice." Y/n says, tilting her head at the slightly delusional Greengrass sister.

Daphne shook her head, "No I didn't. I said two completely different things." 

They all just nodded, not hearing a difference but also not wanting to make the blonde girl irritated.

The rain could be heard beating on the window like drums. Y/n turned to the gryffindor table when she was sure her friends weren't paying attention to her. She scanned the table for a certain puffy haired girl and green eyed boy. 

She made eye contact with the emerald eyes she had been searching for, smiling when she saw them. Harry smiled back, though his was more hesitant. Hermione looked between the two, a knowing look on her face. She knew they couldn't hate each other forever.

'Good luck' Y/n mouthed, throwing him a thumbs up before turning back to her friends. The wind could be heard roaring as Y/n got up from her seat, Daphne and Pansy following her lead. 

"Where are you going?" Draco asks, looking up from his plate of apple slices and toast.

"I'm going to dance in the rain with my girls." Y/n said, pulling her two dorm-mates/best friends with her.

"I can't get my hair wet, I just did it and hour ago!" Pansy shrieked, resisting against Y/n's grip on her wrist. Y/n turns around and digs in her bag for a moment. She pulls out and clear shower cap and hands it to the black haired girl.

Pansy places the cap on her head skeptically and follows Y/n and Daphne into the courtyard. The three girls hold hands and form a circle....triangle...triarcle, spinning around in the rain. They soon get dizzy and fall to their knees on the ground, laughing with each other. 

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