!! Yr 3 !! (~Truth or dare~)

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"Are you saying this because you're an old lady and still haven't felt the love of a man yet?"

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"Are you saying this because you're an old lady and still haven't felt the love of a man yet?"


*Third Person POV*

Y/n walked into the great hall with an empty stomach and an aching body. She had been training endlessly for the upcoming Gryffindor vs Slytherin quidditch match.

"If I never see a quaffle again, it'll be too soon." Y/n grumbles, plopping herself onto the seat between Blaise and Pansy.

After Draco healed, he wanted his place as seeker back, so Y/n took place as a chaser, seeing as the fourth year that had the position was careless about practices.

Excited chatter and squeals could be heard from the Gryffindor table, making Y/n turn around to get a glimpse at what everyone was gushing over. Blaise looks over as well, curious as to what the boys are squealing about. Nothing brings the inner little girl out of a man unless it's truly amazing.

The two stand up and walk over, pushing people out of the way to see.


"Watch it!"


"Excuse you."

"Oh shush, you." Y/n rolls her eyes and walks forward, finally able to see the broom displayed across the Gryffindor table.

"Finally got your broom back huh, Potter?" Y/n raises a brow, making eye contact with the familiar emerald green eyes that remind her of the green apples she grows in her garden back at Malfoy Manor.

Harry nods excitedly, running his fingers along the handle of his brand new Firebolt.

"Wow, skilled fingers you got there, Potter." Blaise says with a subtle wink to Harry. Harry turns as red as a tomato at this comment, remembering the conversation he had with Blaise just a few weeks before about...dreams.

"Right." Y/n says slowly, looking between Harry and Blaise confusedly. "Well, I'm gonna go eat and get away from," She motions her hands between the boys, "whatever this is."

Y/n gets back to her seat and sits down, picking a piece of toast off her brother's plate from across the table.

"Ohh, it's buttered, thanks!" She says, taking a bite as Draco just stares at her, a mixture of offense and disgust written across his face. Pansy and Daphne snicker at Draco's shocked state.

"We were just talking about how you'll be going against your boyfriend soon." Pansy smirks at Y/n, awaiting a funny reaction from the girl.

Instead of giving the reaction Pansy had expected, Y/n tilts her head in confusion. "I have a boyfriend?" Y/n thinks over every interaction she has had with a male in the past year. "Is it Thomas from history? No wait, Angelo. He stares at me a lot. Not like I mind though, he's quite good looking."

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