Parts 155 & 156

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*One week later, Tony has a party to celebrate Bucky's birthday.*
Bar: You almost ready?
Y/N: Almost. What time does it start?
Bar: Twenty minutes.
Y/N: Why didn't you tell me what time it was? The country club is thirty minutes from here.
Bar: Relax. No one expects the guest of honor to show up on time.
*You come out of the bathroom.*
Y/N: Well, what do you think?
Y/N: Hello...Earth to James...
Bar: You look stunning.
Y/N: Thank you. You look pretty good yourself.
Bar: You know we don't have to be on time.
Y/N: I know what you're thinking and as tempting as that is, the answer is no. We're already running late.
Bar: Fair enough. But tonight that dress will be on the floor.
Y/N: Is that a promise?
Bar: It is. And I always keep my promises.
Y/N: Let's go. We're really late.
*He leans in holding your face in his hands and kisses you before you leave.*

NR: Your boy is late, Rogers.
SR: I'm sure there's a good reason.
TS: Well...right now they've got the place to themselves, so...
TO: If she's as beautiful as you say, why is she dating Barnes?
SR: He's not a bad guy once you get to know him. When we were kids...
NR: Sorry to cut you off, baby. But look who just arrived.
*The all look over and see you and Bucky walk in the room.*
Pep: Finally. There they are.
NR: Who wants a drink?
Bar: Don't mind if I do.
Y/N: Thank you.
TS: I guess it's time for introductions. Y/N, this is Thor. Thor, Y/N Parker.
TO: It's a pleasure to meet you.
Y/N: It's nice to finally meet you. Has anyone seen Peter?
TS: He's around here somewhere. MJ and May are here as well.
*You turn and see Peter walking your way.*
Y/N: Hey, little brother. Are you ok?
Par: What? Oh, yeah. I' You look beautiful tonight. Not that you're not, it's just that...
Y/N: Thank you Peter.
TS: What kept you?
Bar: Just wanted to make a grand entrance.
Y/N: Everything looks wonderful. You really went all out.
Bar: I don't even know half these people. Who are they?
Pep: Yes, Tony...who are all these people?
TS: People who care about you.
NR: Just thank them for being here. Then make the rounds and talk to them.
Y/N: Gotta start somewhere.
Bar: I'm not usually the social here goes nothing.
Y/N: You've got this baby.
*He walks to the front of the room clinking on a glass as he walks.*
Bar: Excuse me, everyone. Can I please have your attention.

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