Parts 133 & 134

289 14 1

PC: What can you tell me about this guy?
TS: He took someone else's identuty to join the academy.
Y/N: Because he was underage at the time.
PC: How in the hell did he get away with that?
Bar: His family has deep pockets.
PC: I see. Have you talked to the guy whose identity he stole?
Bar: We can't.
PC: Why not?
Y/N: He disappeared three years ago.
PC: So what do you need from me?
TS: You word that no one will tell him.
PC: You have my word. Anything else?
TS: Two of your best detectives.
Bar: That we can rely on.
PC: I'll be right back.
*He gets up and leaves.*
TS: So what are you thinking?
Bar: Can we really depend on this guy?
TS: I've known this guy for years. He would never steer me wrong.
Y/N: I hope you're right.
*He returns with two detectives. You and Tony tell them everyhting you know and together form a plan on what to do next. You return to the tower and tell everyone. They all have mixed feelings.*
Bar: I still say we know who he is. Let's just follow him.
TS: I love how eager you are. I will reiterate, we ourselves can't do that.
Bar: And why not?
SR: We're too well known. That's why we have the detectives.
Y/N: He's probably cautious already.
Par: You could get someone to move into the empty apartment in his building.
NR: That's not a bad idea.
SR: How do we know if there's even an empty apartment there.
Bar: do you know?
Par: Well...I just...I
TS: I'm gonna regret this. What did you do?

TS: I'm afraid to ask. What did you do?
Par: I may or may not have followed him home one day.
Bar: You did what?
Par: It's ok. He didn't see me.
NR: Are you sure about that?
SR: You didn't swing above him. Did you?
Par: Well...
TS: Go to your room.
Par: Mr. Stark...
TS: Nope. Give me the address and go to your room.
Par: I was just trying to help.
Y/N: What I think they're thrying to say is althought we appreciate what you've done, talk to us first.
NR: We just don't want anything to happen to you.
TS: I'm sorry, kid. I know you had good intentions.
Bar: So what do we do with this information?
TS: We give it to the detectives. Find someone to move in next to him.
Y/N: Like who?
SR: A young, single female.
NR: Do you know any?
Bar: Hey kid, you got friends?
Par: Uh...yeah.
Bar: You said young and single.
TS: And preferably of legal age.
Y/N: So you don't want Peter getting hurt, but you're willing to sacrifice his friends?
Bar: Fine. Are there any girls you don't like?
Y/N: James!
Par: Well, I mean there is this one girl...
Y/N: Peter!
NR: Let's sacrifice Sharon.
SR: Natasha.
Y/N: Who's Sharon?
SR: An undercover SHIELD agent.
NR: And Steve's ex.
TS: I will make some calls in the morning. I'll find someone to do it.

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