Feelings. (Shawn Mendes)

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I was laying on my bed watching Netflix (the usual) when I received at text from Shawn.
S: Hey beautiful!😊
A: Hey Shawn!😃what's up?
S: Me and some friends were gonna head off to the beach if you wanted to come along?😅
A: Oh of course! What time?
S: I'll pick you up in 30 min.💕
A: okay, bye!💞
S: Bye!😚
Me and Shawn had been friends for about 7 years, but bestfriends for 5. He just made me so happy. I liked him more than a friend but I never said anything because I was afraid he wouldn't feel the same and I didn't wanna ruin our friendship.
I turned off my laptop and started getting dressed. I'm not the type to go directly into the water unless I'm asked to. So I put on my bikini, and a cute pink thin dress over it, some sandals, and French braided my hair into a bun. (Photo above) I checked the time and I had about 10 min left so I grabbed my things and went downstairs for a snack.
*honk* *honk*
I stood off the kitchen counter and headed outside.
"Hey!" I said as I closed my door.

"Hey! You ready to have some fun?" He said with a smirk.

"Oh yea!" I said as I connected my aux cord and played his music.
I started dancing like crazy and he just stared at me the whole time.
"What?" I giggled.

"I'm right here you know, your jamming out to my voice." He said laughing.

"Oh shut up Mendes, you know I'm your biggest fan!" I laughed along and continued my dancing.
We walked together until we found a little group of boys and girls and they started waving hi. We jogged a little to catch up.

"What's up guys?" Shawn said, he then introduced us.

They were some great people. Then all the boys got shirtless and ran into the water, while the girls just sat the on their towels on the sand. I did the same. I was laying there, letting the sun tan me away, while my eyes were closed when I suddenly felt drops of water hitting my forehead. I opened my eyes to see Shawns eyes staring back at me, the droplets had been coming from his hair. "Shawn!" I giggled as I sat up. "Wanna come into the water with me?" He asked with a big smile. "Sure!" I stood up and removed my dress and sandals, I could feel Shawn's eyes burning through me but I played it cool, because truth was, his abs were killing me even worse. When I finished we walked towards the water.

"Damn it's cold." I said shivering.

"You'll get used to it." Shawn smirked and threw himself in.

I slowly walked in farther and farther, then Shawn came back.

"Come on, it did get colder, I'll help." He came and wrapped him arms around me and we slowly walked in deeper and deeper, I didn't feel as cold when I was in his arms, I didn't feel anything. Just butterflies in my stomach. We were, well I was, already neck length into the water when he let me go, I then dipped my head in and came up, "haha thanks Shawny." I giggled and I started floating on the water. "Let's play." Shawn pouted like a 4 year old. "Shawn what could we possibly play?" I said as I splashed him some water. "Anything!" He shouted then picked me up and threw me over his shoulder then threw us both into the water. We "played" for a while until the sun started setting.

"Hey, let's head back. The boys wanted to make a campfire." Shawn said while wiping some water off his face.

"Okay, let's go." I grabbed Shawns arm and dragged him upto the squad as they were all sitting down.

"Hurry up love birds." One of the guys said. I giggled as Shawn gave him a face.
After we had a couple of s'mores, Shawn asked if I wanted to go for a walk with him. Of course I agreed. We stood up, I put on my dress and we started walking.

Shawn was about to put on his shirt when I suddenly blurted out "NO DON..." I stopped myself before I could embarrass myself more. "What?" Shawn giggled. "I mean um... Don't... Because.. I-I um think I saw a spider in there earlier. Yea a spider." I snapped my fingers at his shirt. "Oh really?" He giggled. "Guess I'll keep it off." He winked. I felt myself blush and those butterflies came back.
"So... Um Anna..." Shawn started.

"I've been wanting to tell you a few things lately and finally got the guts to do it."

This is it. This is the moment he tells me he doesn't like me. That I'm annoying. Well I don't care, I'm gonna tell him how I feel.

"Anna, I really li-..." He started but I cut him off.

"Shawn before you tell me how clingy, annoying, ugly, and embarrassing I am. I wanna let you know that I like you more than a friend. No, I don't like you. I love you. And I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship but I just do, and I can't hold myself back from that. Everytime I'm with you, I feel love all over again. I've never felt the way I do with you, with anyone else. Your always there for me and I wanna say the same for you. I love you Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. And I wish you felt the same." I had a single tear roll down my face.

Shawn just wiped it away and stood there dumbfounded. "A-Anna.... I don't think those things of you." He stuttered.

"I know, I wouldn't like me either." I began tearing up again.

"No, that's not what I meant." He pulled me into his chest. "I meant I don't think your clingy, annoying, or embarassing. MUCH LESS ugly, your a beautiful young girl who deserves true love, a man who will treat you right, wipe the tears off your face when your crying, make you laugh when your sad, bring you food when your hungry, and most importantly.... Cuddle with you when your lonely." He kissed my head.

I just looked up at him with big eyes. Waiting for what he would say next.
He then pulled away from the hug and stared at me.

"A-and that man i-is standing right in front of you. Anna I love you just as much as you love me or more. And I want things to get even bigger than just our "friendship" I love you and love shouldn't be stored away in a friend zone. I'm sorry I made you keep your feeling inside this long. B-but Anna... Will you be my girlfriend?" He said blushing.

"OF COURSE SHAWN." I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waistline. I then looked down at him and he leaned in. And soon, our lips were together. Like they belonged. He kissed me with such passion. Like he'd been holding it in since the day we met.

Today. Today was the day that started our big journey called "life."
Little did I know that in a couple of years I would be living life with a wonderful and caring husband. And carrying 2 Shawn Jrs. around. Oh boy...
A/N this account is co-owend please feel free to request to the kik given in the bio 😋 or message us thru here. Our names are Amanda // Claudette
Ps. The requests could be about anyone youd like but we perfer magcon and omaha

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