Yes? Sammy wilk

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I was currently waiting for sammy to pick me up. See our "friendship" isnt exactly normal, were bestfriends but with benefits you could say. We would kiss everynow and then the farthest we've gone is making out at a party but we were both drunk so it didnt really count. Sammy is the school fuckboy and im just there. Sure i would like to date sammy i mean common look at him. But his a fuckboy, fuckboys dont like commitment. As i sat there waiting i double check my outfit making sure i wasnt to sloppy or to over dressed. I was wearing a white lace dress with my brown combat boots and my necklance.*photo above* Sammy gave me the necklance for our "bestfriend anniversary ". My style wasnt girly but it wasnt tomboy either. Just in the middle. After I reassured myself that i looked fine i ran my hand thru my ombré hair while deeply staring into my phone. Well more like drooling over Shawn mendes' new post on instagram. My drooling was interrupted by the door bell. "That must be sammy" i thought to myself . I opened the door to be greeted with sammys signature smirk. "Bad timing wilkinson" i said walking past him. "Why" he asked with a worried expression "i was drooling over shawn's new post" i said whining. Sammy just rolled his eyes and opend his car door for me. "Such a gentleman" i said sarcastically "aren't i always?" Now this time i rolled my eyes. "So where are we going" i asked. "You'll see" "ugh samuel you know i hate surprises. " "you know i hate you calling me samuel" . I just ignored him and turned up the radio singing along to ripetides. It was around 6:30 and the sun was starting to set. "Perfect" i heard sammy mumble. "What?" "Oh nothing" he replied. This child is up to something i thought to my self. I closed my eyes relaxing , i think we were almsot there because i felt the car slow down. I opened my eyes and gasped at the view. We were in the middle of i guess you could say "woods" at sammy's little cabin not far from home maybe 40 min. Sammy had set up a table under a tree with lanterns all over the place. "Sam you shouldnt of" "but i did" he said getting out of the car to open my door. We walked together to the table as he pushed the chair out for me. "So whats for dinner" i asked "well i cant really cook sooo..." He said uncovering the food tray to see two sandwiches i laughed "really sammy" i said laughing "hey dont laugh" he said pouting "i really tried " he said making feel a little bad for laughing . "Im just kidding sammy, you dont know how much I appreciate you doing this for me"
After dinner sammy brought out a little speaker playing random songs until "kiss me" by ed came out . "May i have this dance ma lady" sammy asked with a accent. "Yes you may" i said bowing we started dancing. Everytime sammy even touched me i felt sparks, right now I completely forgot everything and everyone it was just me and sammy.
"Kiss me like you wanna be loved , you wanna be loved, this feels like falling in love, falling love ." As the song finished sammy picked my chin up and stared into my hazel eyes "Annette i dont do dating, but when im with you i never want to leave your side, now i know this sounds really cliché but I honestly dont care, Annette when im with you it feels right, now im not saying i wont fuck up sometimes because i probably will but im gonna try really hard not too. But i like the idea of us. I cant imagine you being with someone else , i wanna be there for you when you cant sleep, when your sad , when your having a rough day. Im not sure what love is , but with you its definitely more than a simple crush. So Will you Annette Caniff be my gir-" i cut him off by smashing my lips onto his . Its wasnt a rough kiss like usual. This was more of a passionate kiss. As we slowly parted sammy whispered "im guessing thats a yes?" He said smirking. "Mhm" i said nodding and smiling. "Come here" he said pulling me to a tight hug. After a while of cuddling and looking at the stars we decided to go into the cabin and get some rest. Iv been here many times before i had my own closet here for whenever we needed to "escape the world."

A/n omj. I love sammy so much . Also these ideas come from OUR minds. If there similar to someones. its a coincidence. Also the outfits and collages at the top we make them. We like to be original. 😂

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