Missing you. (Hayes Grier)

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Great. I was starting to get emotional because Hayes was away on tour again. I hate when he's gone so long, it's been months. I crave his arms around me, his smell, his laugh, most of all... His smile.
When I'm feeling lonely I usually call my little cousin if she wants to come over and help me out with things, she's 7 yrs old. Yes I know "what are you doing hanging out with a 7 year old Claudette?" Well she's my world. I've been there since she was born and she brings me up when I'm down. She's like the little sister I never had, including Skylynn.
*Ding Dong*
I ran downstairs and opened up the door for my cousin, "Katelyn!" I squeezed her into a hug. "Net!" She hugged back. We walked back upto my bedroom and started messing around.
We had fun for a while then got bored. We just laid there on my bed staring at the ceiling.
"What now?" I sighed.

"I don't know." She replied.

"Think of something you booger." I threw a pillow at her and giggled.

"Hey! Maybe.... CAN WE GO TO SKYLYNNS HOUSE?" She started bouncing up and down in excitement.

"I can't drive yet." I frowned.

"We can walk, it's not far." She frowned along.

"Okay." I replied.
I knocked on the Griers' home.

"Hey ya'll." Elizabeth greeted us.

"Hey Elizabeth! We were wondering if we could come over for a bit. Katelyn wanted to play with Sky." I answered.

"Of course! Sky was just complaining about how bored she was. Come in!" She moved over to let us in.

As we walked in we heard little footsteps patting their way down a hall and then downstairs.

"KATE!" Sky ran upto my cousin and they hugged. "I was so bored! I'm glad ya came. My mommy just bought me a new horsie, come look!" They quickly ran upstairs as I was left behind awkwardly. Elizabeth then offered me some water and I accepted so I followed her into the kitchen.
"So Claudette.. Anything new?" She asked taking a sip of her drink.

"Nope. Not really, just the usual, missing Hayes ha." I looked down at my water and just stared at it.

"I understand. I miss him too. Ya'll got something special. Hayes always talks about you when he's here, it's like your here too." We both started laughing. "You guys seem so happy together, what is it?" She made a face of concentration.

"Well, I don't know. I guess it's because I'm always trying to make him laugh, and keep him happy." I smiled.

"That's adorable. I'm so happy he's with a beautiful young girly like you and not some bad girl that can cause him trouble. He was starting to talk to some girl that gave me bad vibes, I think her name was.... Macenzie? No that's not right... Ma.."

"Madison?" I giggled.

"Yes! There you go! But then you came along, thank you!" She smiled and slapped the side of my arm lightly. "Well why don't you head up stairs with the girls? I'm gonna go nap haha."
"Okay, you need it after taking care of the boys and Sky haha." I laughed and she did too then she headed off to her room while I ran upstairs.
When I walked in the girls were playing with little horses and giggling. I just smiled to myself and sat on the bed. "Hey Sky, you got a laptop somewhere around here?" I asked.

"Yea! Right there!" She pointed to a drawer with more horses, I walked upto the cabinet and opened it to find a cute little laptop. "Wow this girl has everything." I mumbled to myself. "Hey Sky, wanna talk to Hayes?" I asked.

"YES!" She and Kate ran upto me as I slumped on the bed.

"Let's Skype." I said.
"HAYES!" Skylynn screamed into the camera while making a silly face, we all giggled.

"Hey guys! What's up? I miss my girls!" Hayes said into the screen.

"Yup, I miss you too. That's why I came over for some company with Sky and Kate haha." I weakly smiled.

"Awe I know babygi.... I-I mean Claudette... I miss you a lot too. I can't wait to get home and hug you! And you, little Elsa!" He pointed to Sky through the screen. Then Nash came and jumped onto his back and appeared at the screen.
"HEY BABE" he said then realized Sky was there, "BABEEEYYY, baby I meant! Hey Sky! I miss you and mom sooooo much!" He kissed the camera then Sky did the same.

"Well, the meets about to start so I'll Skype you later boo." Hayes said with a frown.

"Okay, for now I'll see you later. Love you." I said into the camera and kissed it.

"Bye, love you!" He kissed back. "And it'll be sooner than you think!" He shouted into the camera as Nash threw him a pillow and it hung up.

"What? He's coming home?!" I practically screamed. Sky and Kate looked at me like I was insane. Then we all started dancing and cheering.

"SORRY MOMMA!" Sky screamed back, then we all looked at each other started giggling.
A/N: okay, hey guys! In case ya'll didn't know there's 2 people who run this account me, Claudette, and Amanda, my friend😂 We both take turns writing imagines! Keep reading and send request! ~C💕

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