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           Perri, Mei, and Stella were your average, every day group of best friends. They'd hang out with each other when they could, text each other when they couldn't. They'd do a variety of activities together, they would shop, sing, dance, and play games together! In fact Perri and Mei would get together for a Ninjago Night once a month, they called it a "Wu Wednesday". Mei and Perri would often invite Stella, but Wednesday was Stella's weekly family day. They'd occasionally get into little squabbles, but nothing to bad to break their friendship. Who could ask for more! But -alas!- they never considered that one event could change everything!


         Stella was hanging out at my house today. We were playing Uno when the ground started to shake. Earthquakes weren't new to this area, but this one was huge! It shook the house hard. I thought the house was going to collapse! I looked over to Stella, who looked just as surprised and scared as I was. My big family Bible was on a shelf behind her and looked as if it would fall, on her! I was going to warn her when something hit my head. I crumpled to the ground. The last thing I saw was Stella unconscious in front of me, then everything went black.


        I was playing Uno with Mei at her house. I was about to put down a "draw two" card, and hope it didn't backfire, when the house started to tremble. The quake was rough, it was big!! I was terrified! Mei looked terrified too! We started at each other petrified. Mei looked as if she was going to say something when an old painting bounced off the wall and hit her in the head. Apparently it was heavier than it looked, because she fell to the ground. I was going to help her, but that was the last thing I saw.


       It's been a long lonely month without Stella and Mei. One month ago, there was a huge earthquake, then they just... disappeared! I tried calling them and texting them, but nothing! So I was relaxing at home watching Ninjago. I had returned from my violin class a few minutes ago so I had my violin in my lap as I watched season six.

         Seeing the ninja become closer friends reminded me of my friends and I. A tear slid down my cheek, I missed them. The ground started to shake. It started small, but grew to be just as fierce as the one that made my friends vanish. I closed my eyes trying to close out any thought about who the next victim might be, then it stilled. I peeked hoping to find myself in bed, hoping it was all a bad dream. But what I saw was something else... I wasn't in my bed as I had hoped, not was I in the living room as I last remembered, I was... we're was I?

(496 words)

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