Chapter 6

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       I continued with the group. I hope Stella is safe. Why does this memory have to return in pieces? When I was talking with Stella, I heard in the background a machine say that Nya's perfect match was Cole and that triggered a scene, from the episode I had apparently watched, of an upcoming danger. I really didn't want her hurt, so I warned her. She looked concerned as she left, but what else could I do? Explain that we are somehow in some kind of movie? And a supposedly dead villain is not dead, and ready to attack? I don't think she'd believe it. Then we'd be in worse danger because "he"might be listening!

        We soon entered a factory with conveyor belts and mechanical machines working on hover cars. Oh, no! "And this is our factory line where-" PIXAL stopped. An alarm blared. Everything glitched, then turned red. Everything came closer to us, ready to nab anyone. "-this will be the end of your tour." PIXAL finished. All the kids started to panic. Wu fought PIXAL. "Stay back and stay together!" Nya commanded. "This way! There's a way out!" Brad told the other students. They started running. Nya, Wu, and I, seeing our students in danger, ran or flipped to them, clearing a way to an exit.

           We continued to run to the other exit. "Everyone, get to the window!" Wu commanded. So we went up towards the said window only to see a furnace at the end of our path! Nya ran to a control panel to stop the conveyor belt, I ran with her. While she tried to open the panel, I watched out the window. There was the hover-copter! I pulled Nya away from the panel before Zane's blast would fling her instead.

           Once on the roof, I helped the students on to a window washing platform that was connected to Zane's new ride. I looked back and saw Nya kick PIXAL away. I reached my hand out to catch her, just in case. Nya landed safely on the hover-copter, and told Zane to fly away.


           When we landed, Nya hopped on the bus with the students and drove away, per Kai's orders. Mei, for some reason, didn't want to leave. She said she wanted to make sure certain people were safe. All around us machines went hay-wire! We huddled up to discuss what we knew and make a plan. "Alright! So these Techno Blades can hack into their systems." Kai stated. "So, what do you say we do a little hack-attack?" Jay suggested. "Zane, Kai, you take to the skies. I want Cole and Jay on the ground. Mei and I will do what we can for the people." Wu planned. "Woo-hoo-hoo! Anyone else feeling all tingly inside?" I said, excited. "Ninja, go!" We shouted in unison. Jay and I swiftly got to work, hacking and fighting tanks and security bots.

          I saw Jay hack into a tank. Wow! "Hey, Cole, need a hand with those security mechs? Or maybe just some old-fashioned artillery fire?" Jay offered. "I think I got a hand on it." I told him. My turn to hack! I chose to hack a mech. "Stomping robots to robot stomper!" I exclaimed in my new mech. I watched Sensei Wu teach Mei basic skills to fight some of the smaller machines. She was a fast learner! I watched as Sensei and her jumped up and took down two different security bots. Impressive. Jay blew up another machine with his tank! I started beating stuff up too! I missed being a Ninja!


       I had just returned from my twentieth award ceremony, today! when Nya burst through the door. "The Ninja are in trouble!" She announced, worried. "What! Where?!" I asked. "New Ninjago City! Hurry!" I ran to the nearest exit, a window, and jumped out of it, summoned my dragon and raced off to help my friends.

          The Ninja were surrounded when I arrived. I blasted my power and stopped the machines, saving my friends. They cheered as I landed among them. "Robots verses ninja?" I laughed "Dare I ask?" Jay, Cole, Zane, Kai, and Mei came in for a group hug, while Wu stood on the side. "So, you couldn't help yourself." A voice interrupted. "The Golden Ninja, we meet again." I know that voice! "Overlord. I defeated you once, I'll defeat you again." I told the Overlord. "Oh, I don't want to fight. I just want your power!" The Overlord announced.

           The machines powered up, recharged by my power. I got ready to blast them again, hoping to stall for time, but Sensei stopped me. "No, Lloyd! Your power is only making them stronger!" He told me. "But how do we fight?" I countered. "We don't." Kai responded, "We need to get you and the Techno Blades out of the city." Cole added "I don't think he'll let us leave." Then Wu spoke "I have an idea, but I don't have much time to explain. Listen close." We huddled up to listen. I looked at everyone as Wu gave an outline of a plan. Cole looked happy; Zane was concentrated; Kai was, well, Kai; Jay looked both excited and nervous; Mei looked... sad? She was crying a little, and it didn't look like a scared cry. It looked sad, like something bad had happened. I wonder what it was.

         "Ninja, go!" we shouted when Wu finished. Everyone got into their new vehicles, Mei rode with Zane, Wu ran on his own, and I rode my dragon. "I hope this works." Kai said our worry's aloud. "At 4.2 percent chance of success, I'd say our hope is slim." Zane added to our worries. "That's why it's called hope, Zane!" Jay said sarcastically. We raced randomly to escape the city, except for Kai. He was supposed to fly under Sensei and catch the Techno Blades before the Overlord noticed. So far the plan's working. The Overlord is chasing Sensei, because he has the Techno Blades. Correction: had. Kai has them now.

        I didn't like leaving Wu behind. "We got to go back for him." I told the others. "We will, but only when you are safe." Kai reasoned. "He wants these weapons, and for some reason, he also wants you. Remember, this was Sensei's plan. They can't break him!" Cole added, comfortingly. Zane continued by quoting " 'Yesterday is gone.' " Mei continued " ' tomorrow has yet to come.' " "We need to worry about today." Zane finished. "You said it, Zane." Jay said. "We will come back to New Ninjago City. And when we do, we'll be ready." Zane confirmed, "But for now, we find some place safe to hide." Kai added "They'll be looking for for us." We continued further and further from the city, from the danger, from Wu.

🌪️With Stella 🌪️


       I barely escaped. The elderly man from earlier helped me, and a few others, escape to safety. When I arrived at Mystakés, I explained to her what happened, then prepared for bed. It was exhausting running from danger. How did Mei know about that? What else is going to happen? What else does Mei know? I placed the piece of paper with the contact information, that Mei gave me, on my bedrooms dresser. Then fell fast asleep.

❔ Elsewhere...❔

(3rd Pov)

         A 3D blue print of Zane floated. Then the head and arms were removed to be replaced by something similar, but newer. "Upgrade, complete." an evil PIXAL announced. The factory started building and piecing the "upgrades" together, the Nindroids together.

(1267 words)

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