Chapter 7

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           We stopped among some trees, not far from a small village. This village was the only village the ninja could think of that had no tech. Kai, Jay, Zane, and Nya threw some branches on their vehicles, while Cole just put a WHOLE TREE by his mech! I think he's wanting to show off. Okay, he is showing off. He just grabbed a second tree, that is MUCH larger than the first, to place by his mech. I smiled and shook my head at this. He really must have missed being a Ninja.

           Lloyd sighed. "This is a perfect place to lay low." Lloyd declared. "No robots, no cameras, no problems." "Wait, isn't Zane a robot?" I countered. Lloyd looked at me, stumped. He had no clue how to respond to what I said. Cole and I laughed at this. "Hey, Lloyd. In case any arial drones pass overhead, you had better wear this." Nya gave Lloyd his new suit. "It will scramble their signal, so they can't find you." Nya explained, Lloyd walked away to change. "I'm going to head towards the village." I told Nya. "Okay. Could you let Misako know we're here?" Nya asked me. "Sure." I answered. Then I started to walk towards the village.

            While walking, pieces of memories flashed in my head. They were in scrambled fragments that I was trying to straighten out. I was remembering a lot. I remember the earthquake that happened while Stella was at my house. We were playing Uno. I also remembered a third person, but she was still a little foggy. Also-Oof! I stumbled backwards. "Are you okay?" a woman asked. I looked at the woman. It was Misako! "Yeah." I answered. "I was just distracted." "Oh. Where are you from? I don't recognize you from the village." Misako asked, curious. "Oh! No, I'm not from the village. I'm just visiting with the Ninja." Misako looked surprised. "The Ninja are here?" She asked me.

           I nodded. "They're in that direction." I pointed towards the others. "They'll answer other questions you may have. I'm gonna continue towards the village. I have a few things to sort out." I told her. "Thank you." She said with a smile.
She started walking towards the ninja. And I walked towards Sensei Garmadons Monastery, untangling some memories.

💎 Elsewhere...💎


           I jerked awake. I looked around my room. Everything was normal, nothing different at all. I stepped out of bed and walked my bedroom window. I was still home, safe and sound. If only I could say the same for my friends. I glanced at the clock above my door. The time read 1:45am. I gave a tired sigh, and thought about the nightmare that woke me. In my dream, my friends were in Ninjago. Stella was helping Mystaké run a tea shop while hiding from Overlord infected machines in Ninjago City, and Mei was with the Ninja being taught how to repair Zane after a Nindroid attack at Sensei Garmadons Monastery. I chuckled. If only it were true, then I could say I knew they were okay. They've been missing for one week and two days now. I sighed again, then slipped back in bed. Where ever they are, I hope my two best friends are okay.

🎶 Meanwhile "Back (in) Ninjago"!🎶


           Flash! Lightning struck a near by power line. Thunder crashed immediately after. PIXAL gasped. "Careful!" Zane cautioned, "They farm the electricity that's in the air. This is where all of Ninjago gets their power." "Looks like we have a welcoming party." Kai sarcastically warned. We all looked at the power plant. Nindroids! It looks like "The only chance we have of getting in there is to stay out of sight. There's no way we can take them all on." I told the others. "You mean, we actually get to be ninja for a change? Woohoo!" Jay exclaimed excitedly. He's always so cute when he's excited. "PIXAL and I will stay back." Mei said "We won't be very helpful in your mission." "Then be safe and stay out of trouble. I'll see you two later." Zane said, with a caring glance at Mei and PIXAL. I feel bad for Zane. I'd help him if I could, but I'm stuck in a similar situation at the moment. Ugh!

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