45. Made a friend.

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After Deanna had spoken to Aiden and Nicholas, she came back to the group to speak to Isabella, Daryl and Glenn. "I've spoken to my boys, but I want to hear it from you guys as well."

"Your people are fuckin' insane." Daryl snapped and pointed in Deanna's face, but Rick swatted his hand away.

"Isabella, can you tell me what happened with Sam?" Deanna turned her attention to the young girl, who had her face set in a scowl and her eyebrows furrowed.

"He called me weird, so I pushed him." Isabella shrugged, she really didn't see any problem with what she did. By the looks of things, neither did any of the group.

"Okay, well, next time try and use words, okay?" Deanna smiled politely and Isabella leaned forward in her seat.

"But he-"

"Isabella." Rick warned, whipping his head around to her but still having a hand on Daryl's chest.

Isabella huffed and sat back on the couch, folding her arms over her chest like a scolded child. She hated when adults could just interrupt and stop her, and she'd have no say in it because they were big and she was small.

"Go and wait somewhere else while we all talk." Rick waved her off, as if she wasn't involved in the incident at all.

"Fine." Isabella hissed through gritted teeth, then got up and practically stomped to the door, opened it, left, and made sure to put emphasis on slamming it shut.

From her seat on the porch steps, Isabella could see Rosita and Tara talking to some other residents of Alexandria. Carl hanging out with some of the teenagers. Carol talking to some of the women. It wasn't fair, it was like everyone was settling in but her.

After a couple of minutes, Daryl and Glenn came out of the house. Neither of them looked particularly happy. Daryl leaned against the railing while Glenn walked past Isabella to go find Maggie.

"Deanna gave me a job. Recruiter." Daryl said as he fidgeted with his fingers.

"What's that mean?" Isabella furrowed her eyebrows and turned to look at him, putting her work out sneakers up on the step.

"Means I go out and find people, ain't gonna be around as much." Daryl sighed and looked up from his hands.

"Oh." Isabella tried not to show how sad she was. Daryl was starting to adjust, now it was just her. Isabella and her thoughts.

"If anythin' happens while I'm not here, you go to Abe or Glenn, a'right?" He craned his neck as he tried to get a better look at the expression on her face.

Isabella nodded and Daryl began walking down the steps. "A'right." He nodded to himself and Isabella looked up.

"You're going now?" She asked, still trying to disguise her emotions.

Daryl nodded. "Mhm. Be back in a day or two."

Isabella nodded. "Okay, bye." She brushed him off, she knew what was coming once he left. The loneliness.

"Bye, Bells." Daryl said as he walked away, looking back at Isabella a few times just to make sure she wasn't getting upset.

Isabella waited there on the steps for a couple of minutes before seeing Maggie, Michonne and Rick walking to Deanna's house. So, she got up and went over to them. Maybe if she spoke to everyone, she'd find someone who was struggling like her. She could help them and they could help her.

"Can I come with you? Daryl just left and I'm bored." Isabella asked while she tried to catch up to them.

"Sure." Maggie laughed at her enthusiasm and put a hand on her back, gently guiding her to Deanna's house.

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