70. Just kids.

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"Are you completely deranged?" Isabella followed Carl out of the house, her arms out to her sides.

"I'm with her on this one, bud," Freddie followed Isabella out of the door and down the steps, stomping after Carl down the street.

"You guys can't stop me, you're just kids," Carl took the car keys out of his pocket and started to unlock the blue one.

"I'll tell Rick," Isabella threatened.

"First of all, snitch. Second of all, he's not here," Carl sighed and continued walking.

"Could you slow down? Your legs are longer than ours," Freddie huffed as he sped up to catch up with Carl.

"I'll tell him when he gets back," Isabella raised her eyebrows up at him.

"I'll be gone by then," Carl smiled. He knew what his plan was, and he was gonna do it.

"Yeah! You'll be dead!" Isabella threw her arms up in the air hopelessly. "If you're not gonna stay, at least let us come with you."

Carl shook his head. "Nope, no way."

"Why?" Freddie groaned.

"Because you guys are too young," Carl shook his head and climbed in the drivers seat.

"What?! So are you. That's..what's the word?" Freddie turned to Isabella with curiosity in his eyes.

"Hypocritical," Isabella told him with a smug look on her face.

"That's hypocritical," Freddie finished off his sentence, looking back at Carl.

"Isabella, you just got back here. Literally two days ago," Carl sighed.

"I don't care! Daryl's there, and if you go then he might get killed. So you either let me come or you don't go," Isabella huffed.

Carl rubbed his forehead for a moment before sighing. "Fine. Get in."

Carl pulled the vehicle up to an abandoned town, some Saviors were there. They were packing up a van.

Carl held up a finger and whispered. "Go when I say."

The two kids nodded and waited a moment. All three of them watched the two Saviors put the final crate in the back of the van and then Carl started to move.

"Go! Now!" He whisper shouted, so, just before the van started to move, the three of them lunged in and hid behind some crates.

Isabella grabbed a bottle of honey and started to make a trail with it. She was worried, really worried. She had to go back to the sanctuary, and she really didn't want Carl and Freddie going either.

Carl was going to kill Negan. It was a stupid plan. He was going to get himself killed. And Isabella and Freddie were probably going to get killed in the process too. Daryl would probably be worse off now too, they had to get him out of there, they had to.

Isabella couldn't help but think about the Saviors. Maybe there was more of them who were like Davey. Now, she'd gone back. And Negan probably wouldn't let her leave again.

Isabella started to recognise parts of the Sanctuary. She could see the severed heads on top of the fences, some of the workers in the yard. "We're here," She whispered to the other two.

Carl started to load his gun and Isabella moved away from the edge of the van, not wanting to be in sight when they did pull up.

"Okay, boys, let's get this haul unloaded and inside," Negan's voice came from the outside. Carl and Freddie shared a worried glance. "I wanna get back in there and unload a little myself."

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