New Beginnings

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Noah was your average, know it all, sarcastic,  brainiac.  With  eight siblings, It was hard to separate himself from them.  But that was okay.   He likes being quiet, out of sight and out of mind.  Which is when it came as a surprise when he was noticed as anything other then 'One of the Sterecra Siblings'

      It was Noah's first day at a new high school, and he couldn't have cared less.  While some of his siblings were stressing out over breakfast  if they'd make new friends or not, Noah was (trying to), peacefully read a book before school.  Noah was more of a loner than he was social.  He did have a friend and a girlfriend a few years ago, but it turns out one of them just used him for homework and the other dated him on a dare.  Whatever.  He only dated her because she offered him $20 to do it.  No clue why her friends didn't know he was gay.  He thought it was obvious.  So did she, and they never interacted again after that.  Oh well.  New school new people right?  He quickly finished he bowl of cereal, dodged a flying sock,  got dressed and started walking to school.  He knew he was going to be early.  He also didn't particularly care.  When nobody was there, that made up for good reading time.  

He arrived a half hour early, book in hand, ready to do whatever the hell you do before school.  He sat down on a Bench near the track when a boy ran up to him, panting, and it seemed like he was trying to ask him something.  Noah didn't hear what he was saying, so he went back to reading. 

"Is..this..Wawanakwa..high?"  The boy finally made out, leaning against a post.  Noah looked up.  The boy had brown hair, was short, (shorter than Noah anyway,) had a gap tooth, and looked like he played a lot of video games.  

"Well? Is,  it?"  He pants out. Now catching his breath a  little more.

"Yes, this is Wawanakwa high.  Why are you here so early?"  Noah asks, narrowing his eyes slightly, disturbed somebody had disrupted his reading time.  

"I go here!  I'm Cody.  Why are you here early?"

Noah shuffled around in his seat. 

"I like to be early.  Besides, I asked first.  It's only right you answer the question."

The boys face got suddenly looked very panicked.  

"Oh umm, my mom told me it was early! Yep, haha..."  Cody replies, his voice trailing off. "Anyways, what's your name? I haven't seen you around here before!"

Noah clearly was unimpressed, but answered anyways.  

"My name is Noah, I just transferred here because my sister was murdered in a car accident and my family didn't want to be around there anymore."  He says sarcastically, quite obviously not serious.

"Oh my gosh, really?  I'm so sorry!"  The dweeb responds, obviously unaware.

"No,  my mom just got a new job, that's all." 

"Oh."  Cody's face floods with relief. Noah rolled his eyes.  Who cares?  He never would've known her anyways. "Well, I'm not always the best at detecting sarcasm.  It's gotten me hurt sometimes actually haha..." his voice trails off and suddenly he's nervous.  What happened to him?  Why did someone hurt him over something as petty as not getting sarcasm?  Who hurt him?  He was about to ask a question when suddenly the bell rang.  Noah checked his watch.  It had already been a half hour?  Damn.  Time flys talking to this dweeb.  Cody looked disappointed the conversation had to end. 

"Oh.  I guess we better get to class."

"Yeah.  Guess so."

"See you around Noah!"  Cody waved back as he ran toward the building, blissfully unaware of Noah staring back at him and replaying that conversation over in his brain as he walked toward the 3 story building.

A/N - First chapter! Let me know what you thought about it and I'll try to update consistently for everyone intrested!  (Lol nobody rn)

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