A more detailed part of the previous chapter

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A/N - I'm changing the last sentence in the prev chapter to be Cody would come back with only Noah's name in his mind.

Noah and Cody walked into the school, waved goodbye, and headed off to their opposite classes.

Izzy had free art first and made a banner that said Noco on it.

Eva burned it.

Owen ate in in a sandwich which made Izzy climb onto the roof and hang from there, then crawled into the walls and had to be taken out by professionals.

Finally, it was last period, the class that Noah and Cody shared. They didn't see each other in the hallway, as they were heading from different classes. When Cody walked in, Noah was already in a chair. Cody took the spot beside him.

"Hey Noah!" Cody grinned, happy to be with his friend.

"Hey Cody." Noah waved back absentmindedly, as he was reading a book. Then their teacher walked in just as Cody was about to continue the conversation. Couldn't Cody just get a moment alone with his boyf-FRIEND. Cody wasn't gay.

Was he?

Cody mostly likes girls!

Doesn't he?

They finished the period and walked over to the coffee shop, Noah ordering a black coffee and Cody a frappechino.

They walked home, mostly talking about random stuff. School, friends, little things. Eventually, they reached their houses and Cody spoke up.

"Hey, I'm just gonna grab some stuff from my house, I'll be back in a minute!" Cody chugged down the rest of his frappechino.

"Alright. I'll see you soon Gap." Noah responded absentmindedly.

Cody swiveled around. "Gap? Is that what you're calling me now?"

Noah blushed. "Shut up. At least I'm not a twink who drinks frappechinos and still sleeps with a stuffed animal."

Cody's face went red. "How did you know about Jerry?"

Noah laughed. "Dude, I was just joking. What is Jerry anyways?"

Cody turned towards his house. "IM LEAVING NOW."

"Bye Gap! I'll find out eventually!" Noah opened his door to see Emily leaning on the doorframe looking at him.

"Soooo, Cody huh?"

Noah pushed her back, while she quietly laughed at him.

That's when he heard a scream come from Cody's house.

Cody's pov- two minutes earlier

Cody opened the door into his house, seeing his dad passed out on the couch, but his mom was nowhere to be seen. Weird, she was normally at the door to tell him what a disappointment he was and how worthless he was. It was a nice change.

Cody headed up to his room, took a duffel bag out of his closet, and started packing and humming happily. He finally would get out of this awful house! Then he heard something snap behind him, it sounded like Lego.

"Hello?" Cody's voice quivered. "I-is anybody there?"

Somebody emerged from under his bed, and when Cody ran to the door, it was locked. Cody jiggled with the handle, and then screamed, hoping anyone, somewhere, could her him. Then he passed out.

He later woke up in a weirdly bright room, with white walls, strapped to a board.

"Nobody can hear you." Cody turned around at the female voice.

Cody's eye widened at the familiar face.

He had seen it earlier today, before school, standing behind the boy he liked.


A/N - surprise!  Sorry for not updating lol.  I normally update at night, (when I'm really tired, it's normally really late.) but I was sick today so I got home from school early to write!  Anyways i also watched the reboot!  Who's everyone's favourite character? 


Sorry im really bored.  Bye!

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