First Day

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Throughout the day, Noah could still find himself thinking about the brunette.  He checked in all of his classes and finally found him in Language and at Lunch.  Noah was disappointed he wasn't in more classes with him, then quickly snapped out of it.  Why do you care?  He questioned himself, walking down the hall frantically trying to escape this hellhole called 'High School.'  It wasn't the school or learning itself,  it was the people.  

After lots of scientific reasoning, Noah had determined that people suck.  

After narrowly dodging a punk, Party dude, and Some rando goth chick holding hands with this brown-hair girl, Noah made it out of the hallway and turned the corner.  Only to bump into what seemed a crazed psychopath.

"Oh hey!  I haven't seen you here before?  What's your name?  I'm Izzy!  Or E-Scope!  Don't you think that name is so pretty?  I've been trying to get people to call me it but everybody still calls be Izzy!"

"Oh umm..."  Noah says hesitantly.  What's wrong with this girl? "I'm Noah?"

"Cool Noah!  This is Big-O!  And This is Eva!  But she's my girlfriend so you can't have her!"  Izzy-E-scope-Whatever blabbers out.

"I'm gay."  Noah said flatly.

"Coolio Badoolio! Anyways Noah,  want to come with us to the cafe?"

"We're trying out a new one since Izz got us kicked out of our old one." The girl introduced as Eva says.  She seems very no nonsense, and you wouldn't want to mess with her.

"That's not fair!  YOU threatened the Barista."

"After you yelled you were f***ing SPIDER MAN and CLIMBED THE DAMN WALLS!"

Noah stifled a laugh.

"Yeah yeah, whatever!  Anyways, wanna come?"

Noah was astonished at how quickly they invited him, considering they had known him for a grand total of 2 minutes.  

"Yeah, sure.  Got nothing better to do."  Noah shrugged.  That was a lie.  He had to babysit but ANYTHING was better than babysitting his little cousins again.  They should be in federal prison. Besides, Noah knew his mom would forgive anything instantly when she heard he was making friends.  She was always encouraging him to get out more anyways. "Let me just make a quick  call."  

One call and 12 minute walk later, they had arrived at the shop.  It was then that Noah realized that 'Big-O', (Who he had learned that his real name was Owen,)  really earned up to the nickname.  He ordered one of every food in the store.  Noah and Eva ordered black coffees, (to which Noah got an approving grunt from Eva,) and Izzy got a frappe chino with... leftover bacon on it?   They looked around for a good place to sit, and eventually decided on a table with a view onto the lake by Toronto.  They started talking and having an actual civilized conversation, when  the bell by the door rang,  letting the people inside know that the door had opened!  Wow oh Wow! Those things annoyed Noah to death.  

That's when he heard a familiar voice from behind him


It was Cody.

A/N: sorry these are short!  It's really late but I decided to check on this and 21 views?? People are actually reading this?  Damn.  Alright,  that's it for now!  I'll update tomorrow hopefully with a longer chapter!  

P.s - please correct me if there are any spelling mistakes

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