Home from the Hospital

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Wait. What? 

6 months? 6 months of his life, disappeared? 

Cody was stunned to say the least.

Noah rubbed the back of his neck again.

"It was really hard on everyone, especially me. I-I really missed you Cody.  You're my best friend."

Cody blushed avoided his gaze.

"I should, I should um," Cody stuttered, not sure what to say. "I should get some rest."

Noah nodded.  "Yeah, yeah you should.  I'll be back in a minute." He headed for the door. "Oh and Cody, try not to get brainwashed, kidnapped and put in a hospital again.  It's kind of a habit of yours."

Cody laughed. 

"Hey!  I'm trying to sleep here! Give the hospital person a rest!"

Noah, being his usual smartasš self, correct him.

"It's hospitalized, not hospital person Gap.  Goodnight."

Noah walked out the door.

Gap!  Is that what Noah called him? Noah was cute, were they dating?  No, Noah was just his really good friend!

Then why did he feel this way?

Then cody passed out.

What felt like an hour later, Cody heard the door open, and pretended to stay asleep. It was Noah. You could tell by the way he walked, and the noise his shoes make.

Noah sat down next to him. 

"Hey Cody, I know you're sleeping right now, but I just wanted to tell you I really like you.  Like more than a friend.  Now I'm leaving because ew emotions."

Then he walked out.

Cody opened his eyes and looked around. He wasn't in the hospital, he was in a room.  It must be Noah's, considering it had stuff that felt as it would be Noah's. Wait.  What if it was Cody's room?

Cody got really excited suddenly.  He must have the best parents!  They would take care of him, and love him, and he couldn't wait to remeet them!

Cody looked at the clock beside the bed. 12:47. It was 12:56 when he fell asleep!  He had been asleep a whole day?  Dang. That was not an hour.

Then Cody saw her.

The her  that ruined his life.

The one who brainwashed him.

Noah's sister.

A/N THATS ITTT! Just for now anyways :) I'm really tired rn so night!

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