Monkey D. Luffy and Misty D. Autumn

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"This is a bad idea Luffy." 

"Come on, we don't have a choice." He grabs my waist, picks me up easily, and puts me in the large container before joining me and closing us in.

And now we're just floating around aimlessly in a large ocean, perfect...

Our barrel hits something hard, multiple times, and as we continue bobbing along it I'm assuming that it's another ship. Before I get my hopes up though I keep my thoughts to myself instead of saying it out loud to my brother.

Something sharp hooks on to us and slowly starts lifting us out of the water. It feels nice being able to go upwards instead of simply bobbing on the water, like that was nice too don't get me wrong but Luffy is already sound asleep and we can't afford for both of us to be that way.

"Man this barrel is heavy." Oh shit, men. "I wonder if there's beer in here."

"Or better yet more food."

"Well if it's food then you're sharing it."

"Just don't be eating my half." The two men drop us down heavily on the ships deck, and by heavily I mean they literally dropped us so that we were rolling on our side.

I close my eyes, even though there's nothing to see in this darkness, and concentrate on anything else that comes to mind to distract me from my turning stomach. I'm not sure where we are, or how long that it's going to take us to get out of here, but I don't want to make our appearance known too soon by throwing up everywhere.

A loud bang of a cannon blasting off from somewhere close by makes the men run and hide, screaming like scared little girls. 'if they're going to be acting like that then they never should have gotten onto a ship.' I scoff.

But hearing them act like that is also a small comfort in it's own way because it means that we're on some sort of passenger ship and not any of the other kinds of ships that I feared. As canons continue firing out and the ship starting to move from side to side with the constant impact I'm assuming that we're being attacked by one out of two of my greatest fears. Pirates or the Navy.

Our barrel moves around because of the rocking of the ship, and again I have to close my eyes in the darkness and concentrate on anything else that I can so that I don't possibly throw up. Especially when we get knocked down a flight of stairs.

Thump, thump, thump.

Finally, we stop moving, I take a deep breath of air to sigh in relief but instantly regret it as my stomach tries moving upwards in an attempt to find it's own relief. Before I can stop myself from making any noise I hear footsteps coming towards us.

My body instantly goes into fight or flight mode. "Wow, that's a big barrel, I wonder what's inside it." It sounds like he's just a kid.

He comes over to our barrel and tries pushing it. Because of both mine and Luffy's combined weight it takes a few minutes before the kid is able to get us moving. But when he does I hear the sound of more people making their way to us.

"Hey Koby, you're not down here hiding away from all the fighting again are you?"

"No, no, not at all, I just thought that you fella's might be thirsty after so much hard work that's all." Koby laughs nervously.

That poor kid, he must have been forced to join these pirates against his will. Well, once we get out of this barrel Luffy will show these people how wrong their ideals are.

"Well, in that case then let's have ourselves a drink shall we?"The first man stands up our barrel, thankfully the right way up, and tries opening our lid.

It Was You - A Zoro Roronoa Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now