Devil Fruit Power Showdown

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"In all my life I've never been as mad at anyone as I am him. That bastard Shanks stole countless riches from me." I gasp, he knows Shanks? But how? "I don't know how you two are connected but I can say whatever I want about him, I've earned that!" Luffy doesn't look convinced by what he's being told, instead, he looks confused as to why they're not fighting.

"We were on the same pirate crew together and argued all the time. There was one day that stuck out from all the rest. Shanks and I were arguing, as we usually did when an enemy ship was spotted. One of those enemies had a treasure map so naturally, I took it from him. That night while everyone else was celebrating I was looking over the map to remember every square since of it. Until I was interrupted by him."

"While the rest of the crew was looking around on the enemy's ship they found a devil fruit, one that would eventually become mine. I deceived the crew into thinking that I ate it when I was going to ditch those losers and start my own crew with the money that I was going to get by selling that Devil Fruit. But that idiot Shanks had to take all those dreams away from me."

"The night that I was going to leave Shanks snuck up behind me, not once but twice, and to hide the real Devil Fruit I stuck it in my mouth and accidentally swallowed it. That red-haired idiot didn't realize the grave mistake that he made so I tried to strangle him, completely forgetting that I was holding onto my treasure map. Shanks noticed it flying away and without thinking about the consequences I jumped into the ocean after it. I would have drowned that night if he didn't jump into the water to save me." Buggy shakes in anger at reliving the memory.

"So you're saying that Shanks saved your life that night?" Of course, that's all that you would take out of that Luffy. I sigh.

"No, that's not the point that I'm trying to get across. It's because of him that I lost my ability to swim and was unable to go after my sunken treasure. Then I had a revelation. If I couldn't go under the water then I would obtain all the treasure on dry land using my brand new Chop Chop powers. And now anyone who touches my treasure dies. Death to those who try to take from my hard-earned treasure." Buggy lifts his whole torso into the air and flies right past Luffy, straight towards an unsuspecting Nami.

"Name, watch out," I scream, she turns around and screams in surprise.

"Get back here you thief," Buggy yells.

He flies until he's almost out of sight but suddenly stops. I look over at Luffy and burst out laughing when I realize what he did to stop Buggy in his tracks so quickly. He pulled a me move and kicked Buggy in the one weak spot that all men have. So note to self, if we ever have to deal with this bastard again to save time and energy, just kick him in the balls.

"Don't be running off yet, we're not done here," Luffy replies smiling.

"Hey, you better drop that treasure and get out of here Nami, you don't want him coming after you again."

"No!" She yells, like a spoiled child. "Drop the money and go? No way. Why should I leave my treasure behind?"

"Maybe so you can live to see another day?" She glares at me.

Buggy growls from in front of her, instinctively I cling to Zoro's unconscious body for comfort. "Did you just call it your treasure?" He asks angrily.

"That's right, you heard me, I'm a thief," Nami announces proudly. "I only steal from pirates and I just got a good amount from a really annoying one, so that makes this my treasure now understand?" She declares.

"Ah, that makes sense." I sweat drop and bite my tongue to keep myself from commenting on Luffy's naivety. 

Buggy's eyes turn white in anger. "That's pure nonsense. That's my treasure, and just because you stole it from me it doesn't mean that it's yours, you dirty thief. Honestly, what did your parents teach you?"

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