Captain Buggy the Clown

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We eventually make it to land, and while still holding my hand, Zoro and I look at a large town while the Pirates behind us tie our ship securely to the dock. The ground around us shakes, making Zoro and I hold each other tighter, and the aftermath of an explosion comes into view.

"That was one heck of an explosion." I agree with that and fear the worst that somehow my idiot brother is involved in this.

"That looks like it was one of the Captain's beloved Buggy Balls." One of the Pirates behind us replies.

"His what now?" I ask. Zoro snickers in amusement at the name too.

"We should get going, I have a bad feeling that Luffy got himself into trouble as usual." I sigh.

"Agree." We start running in the direction we saw the bomb explode but multiple times I had to stop Zoro from going in the wrong direction.

"My god man, take my hand and don't let go," I order, irritated that Zoro keeps going in the wrong direction.

"I don't have to listen to you woman."

"Yes you do, I am co-captain and I am giving you an order." He scrunched up his face, as he seems to do often, as if he was going to continue arguing with me, but stops himself. 

I fight myself to ignore the fact that he looks cute when he does that.

He grumbles under his breath but links our fingers together as we get back to running to Luffy's, possibly needed, aid. And this time we're going in the right direction. We reach the edge of the town that we're in and see a large Pirate Crew with a canon facing a cage that has my brother in it. "Luffy, what did you do..." I sigh sadly.

"Stay here, I'll take care of this."

"Be careful Zoro." He smiles at me reassuringly before leaving me alone.

I'm too far away to notice any specific details but there's a pretty girl with orange hair that's standing behind the canon, with a look of pain on her face, and the way that her hands are tightly held together it's clear to me that she's using her hands to burn the rope at the end of the canon so that it doesn't fire at Luffy. I smile and hold some respect for this strange woman knowing that she's trying to save my idiot brother's life.

I try to sneak closer to the action, without getting caught, so that way I can hear what's going on.

Zoro walks up behind the woman in enough time to save her from being attacked by the Pirates that were behind her. "Hey now, it's not nice of you guys to gain up on a girl like that."

"Zoro!" Luffy yells excitedly, then looks around him when he notices I'm not there. "Where's Misty?"

"She's safe."

"That's a relief," Luffy replies, relaxing again in his cage.

"You hurt?" The orange-haired girl behind him stays quiet, irritating Zoro enough that he has to repeat himself.

"No, I'm, I'm fine."

"I'm glad you guys found us but come and get me out of here already." Luffy orders.

"How do you keep on getting yourself into these types of situations? First, a bird flies off with you and now I find you stuck in a cage? Misty was right, you are a magnet for trouble."

"It's an interesting story actually." I face palmed and sighed, my idiot brother may be in a bad position right now but at least he hasn't lost his spirit.

Zoro starts walking over to Luffy's cage when he's stopped in his tracks by Buggy the Clown. "So you're Zoro then? If you're here for my head you'll have quite the struggle before you."

It Was You - A Zoro Roronoa Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now