The Weirdest Guy Ever

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"Actually Klahadore, these people are..."

"Not now Kaya." Zoro and I share a glance through the corner of our eyes, neither of us liking the way that Kaya is being spoken to. "You can tell me all about this riff-raff after they're gone. Now get out, all of you." He orders. The closer that he's getting to us the more my fight or flight response is acting up. I reach out and hold Zoro's hand as tightly as I can to remind myself why I need to stay where I am. "Leave now unless you have some business with me."

"Alright," Luffy replies. "Do you think that you can help us in getting a ship?"

"Certainly not." Again with the pushing up on his glasses... "Usopp!"


"You have quite the reputation, you are very well known in the village." Usopp laughs nervously.

"Sure am." He agrees.

"I hear you've been on many adventures. Quite impressive for someone as young as you." Klahadore mocks, making me squeeze Zoro's hand tighter. He rubs his finger against mine, silently telling me to ease up and calm down.

"Usually people who admire me so much call me Captain." He replies, ignoring the insults. "So it's Captain Usopp to you." Atta boy Usopp, stand up for yourself.

"Captain huh? Hahaha. Your father also had something of a reputation here too, didn't he?" Usopp starts getting angry at the mention of his father.

"Klahadore, please just stop." If even Kaya knows that this is going too far, then I can only imagine how much worse this situation might get.

"You'll never be anything more than the son of a filthy pirate. Who knows what sort of trouble that you're up to now." I don't have to look next to me to know that even Luffy is getting ticked at the disrespect that's being shown not only to Usopp but also to someone else that we know personally as well. Even Zoro is starting to get angry as his fingers stop stroking mine.

"All that I ask is that you and you kind leave this respectable lady alone," Klahadore demands more than asks.

"A filthy pirate?" Usopp asks, anger dripping from every syllable.

"You and she are from two completely different worlds and you know it. Is it money that you're after? How much do you want?"

"Seize this at once Klahadore!" Kaya demands. Even she has come to her limits of how much of this she can take. "Apologize to him right now." She orders.

Usopp looks over to her in concern. "Hey, calm down Kaya." He says gently, all of the anger that was previously in his voice vanishes the moment his attention is on her.

"I don't believe that there is any need to apologize to this savage young man, my lady."

"Says the one who's being savage," I mutter.

Klahadore glares at me before putting his attention back on Usopp and Kaya. But that one glare was all I needed to see. Just seeing those eyes again, for a second, after all these years brings back all of the memories and emotions that I've been trying to hide deep inside me for so long.

"My goal isn't to slander. I am only stating the truth. I sympathize with your situation. You must hate you're great idiot of a father for abandoning his son and his village because of his mindless lust for treasure."

My father was the one who rescued me from that village after you brutally murdered everyone in cold blood because of your own lust for treasure.

"Klahadore, stop it please." Kaya cries out, pleading with her butler.

"Don't you dare insult my father ever again." Usopp orders. He jumps down from the tree, landing on his feet thanks to a bungee cord, and stands tall and proud before this monster.

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