The Honorable Liar, Captain Usopp

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"There's no way that we'll make it to the Grand Line in this condition." Huh?

We all turn, or open our eyes, to look over at Nami from our spots on the boat. Luffy was on top of our boat, sitting on its skinny head with his skinny ass, while Zoro and I had made ourselves comfortable by laying down.

"You're right, we're going to need a whole lot more meat," Luffy replies, taking the last bite out of his apple and throwing its core into the ocean. 

I roll my eyes at my brother. He's always thinking about his damn stomach.

"Eating fruit every day is for the birds." Zoro agrees.

"It wouldn't be so bad if we had more to eat than just apples." I agree wearily.

"We'll also need some booze too."

"You're that type of guy are you Zoro?" I tease.

"All depends on what you mean by that." He replies.

"Nothing. It's just that everyone has their thing, Luffy's is obviously meat, and yours is booze. Nami's is I'm assuming money until she tells me differently."

"You're not wrong?"

"So what's yours then?"

"Books," I state simply.

"Yeah, I like reading."

"And she's good at writing stories too." I blush at Luffy's compliment.

"Only because I needed something to do since someone wouldn't let me train when we were younger." Zoro gives me a look but then gets hit by an apple core.

"Anyways, back on topic. You know what I mean. The Grand Line is a dangerous place and we're going to need more than beer and meat to survive there. Not to mention other Pirates who are also in search for the One Piece and they all have ships that are way better than this."

"She's not wrong," I murmur. "Hey Nami? Don't forget to breathe while you're ranting ok?" I joke.

"So you noticed that too huh?" I nod my head at Zoro with a smile.

"We also don't have a crew." Adds Luffy, as he eats another apple.

"We don't have a crew, we don't have any equipment, we don't even have a real ship for that matter. There is no way that we'll ever make it like this."

"This is reminding me that Koby would be saying things like this too if he were here." Zoro chuckles.

"He sure would be wouldn't he?" I smile sadly. "I'm sure he's fine Misty. He may have seemed like a wimp but the kid has heart. You guys had faith in leaving him behind so that he could join the Marines, give it some time and he'll show you if it was the right decision to make or not."

"I guess so," I murmur. Zoro nudges me playfully with his shoulder and I can't help but smile at the simple gesture, he grins back at me.

Mission accomplished apparently.

"We'll need to find a good cook to feed us and maybe a musician to keep us entertained," Luffy suggests.

I laugh at the ideas, having a cook would be a smart decision but a musician too? Now that's just Luffy being Luffy at this point. Zoro agrees with that by laughing at the idea.

"So stupid." Nami sighs. She pulls out a map soon afterwards and studies it. "A little south of here is an island with some settlements on it and it looks like we should be able to get our ship and some of the supplies that we need there." She explains to us, she almost seems surprised.

"Fresh meat at last," Luffy yells excitedly.

"Lots of booze as well." Zoro agrees.

"Is that all you two think about?" Nami asks.

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