Luffy's and Misty's Past

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"Ugh, I'm so hungry." Luffy groans.

"When are we going to reach land anyway?"

"Who knows, we're sailing on the wind and the waves."

"Hey Misty?" I look up from my book at the sound of my name." "Are you sure that there's no more food in that bag of yours?" I shake my head and go back to reading my book. This seems to irritate Zoro. "Are you  sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure, go through it yourself if you don't trust me," I reply putting said backpack in front of him.

"What are you reading anyways?"

"A book," I reply.

"Clearly." He rolls his eyes.

"When did you find time to grab a book?" Luffy asks.

"I didn't. I spent all my money on food and a bag to hold the food. Thankfully Rita's mom packed a couple of books in here in case we got bored."

 Luffy sighs in disappointment. "I'd rather it would have been more food, who knows if we'll even see land again." He moans.

"We will soon enough Luffy, you're just getting melodramatic because you're hungry," I reply and flip to the next page of my book.

"Don't you find it weird that for someone trying to be King of the Pirates, he doesn't have any Navigational Skills?" Zoro asks, clearly getting irritated.

Note to self. Zoro gets irritated easily when hungry, even worse if Luffy is being Luffy.

"Not really, we just drift around."

"It's true. Luffy is more action-oriented, whereas I do the planning."

"And how's that working out?"

"Considering that none of us have started showing symptoms of starvation and have tried eating each other then things are going well." Again, I flip to the next page of my book. Zoro grabs the book out of my hands and throws it into the water. "What was that for Zoro?

"Because I needed to take my anger out on something."

"Did it make you feel better?"


"Then you're an asshole." I huff and cross my arms around my chest protectively.

"That was pretty mean Zoro." Luffy huffs. "But what about you Zoro? Aren't you supposed to be some sort of world-famous bounty hunter that's sailed the seas?"

"I don't ever remember calling myself a bounty hunter. I sailed out to sea in search of one man and have never been able to return to my village." He sighs, laying his head back and looking at the sky. "By then I had no other choice but to go after Pirate Hunting."

"I see, so you're just lost."

"Hey, don't put it like that!" Zoro stomps on the boat making it rock viciously from side to side.

My bag of goodies falls overboard and Luffy's hat flies off his head. We all look up and watch as the hat continues flying away.

"Oh no, not my Shanks hat." Both men get up to rescue the hat. Zoro grabs it first and passes it over to Luffy.

"Thanks, Zoro." Luffy mumbles, sitting down and holding the Straw Hat close to his chest.

"Who's Shanks."

"He's the first Pirate that we ever met, he and his crew were docked in our village's port for well over a year. They were nice people." I smile remembering the day that Shanks gave Luffy his hat. "Luffy and I would always be sitting at the bar of a restaurant with Shanks, listening to stories about his adventures and whatnot. The crew would always tease Luffy about joining them because we were only children, they always told us that we were too young. For me, I was always told that I was too pretty to become a Pirate."

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