Enter Pirate Hunter, Zoro Roronora

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I help Koby put the finishing touches on securely tying up our boat before turning to look at my brother, who surprisingly hasn't tried running off yet.

"This is so exciting!" He yells, earning us stares from the village people. Some glare at us while others smile enjoying his excitement.

I smile back at them and save shyly.

"So where do we need to go to find this Zoro guy?" Luffy asks, taking a pear from a nearby stand and flings a berry at the startled man. Luffy and I share a look but continue on our way through the town.

I wonder if people are just scared of him because of his apparent demon reputation.

"I'm assuming we need to go to the Marine base headquarters up ahead. I've heard that this place is run by Captain Morgan himself." Again, the villagers around us are listening to our conversation and jump away from us, almost fearing that we had the plague or something.

"Somethings not right here guys," I mumble, keeping a closer eye on the people around us.

"I can understand people being scared of hearing Zoro's name but having the same reaction towards a Navy Officer's name, that doesn't seem right to me." Koby agrees.

"We'll get to the bottom of this Koby, don't worry." I take his hand in mine and give it a small squeeze.

He blushes in embarrassment but nods his head all the same.

"We're here guys." And sure enough, a twelve-foot gate and ten-foot wide wall stand before us.

"How are we supposed to get inside this thing?"

"Or around it for that matter?" I mumble.

"I wonder where that Zoro guy is going to be..." Luffy runs to a random part of the wall and uses his powers to half jump and half stretch to see over to the other side.

"Hey, what do you think that you're doing Luffy?"

"Taking a closer peek." I roll my eyes at my brother but go over to join him all the same.

"Drop a foot down for me would you?" Luffy does and I stand on his foot and hold onto the wall for support until I'm up at the top with him.

"A guy like Zoro wouldn't be left out in the open, he'd be locked underground somewhere."

"He's right there." Luffy and I reply in sync.

"What? Let me see." Koby climbs up on Luffy's other side and his expression deadpans.

Koby starts whining in our ears again about how bad of an idea this is and blah, blah, blah, but all that I was fully paying attention to is how attractive this Zoro guy is, even with being tied to a poll.

"Hey, you two up there," Zoro yells, I'm assuming at us since Koby is being so loud, but it's hard to tell with him not looking right at us. "Get down from there and shut up, you're eye soars.

"There's three of us up here actually." Luffy corrects, I smack him upside the head. "Ouch, what was that for sis?"

"For being a dumb ass." I hiss.

Zoro looks up at us and smiles briefly. "Cute and smart, you should get out of here before the Marines come back." His tone of voice changes as he looks right at me, ignoring the two boys beside me.

I blush but don't reply, my mind frozen at the fact that Zoro was talking directly to me and watching me with unblinking eyes even when a drop of sweat rolls in front of his eyes. My attention is taken away from him as I feel something being put against the wall closest to us, when I look I see that a little girl is climbing over the wall and sneaking her way over to the handsome swordsman.

It Was You - A Zoro Roronoa Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now