Chapter 2

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5th September 2012Medical Bay, SHIELD HQ

"This better be important" Fury groaned out as he walked forward with Maria.

An agent was leading them towards the laboratory where Helen was working.

"Sir you won't believe this"

"Frankly, I don't think thats possible anymore, we have aliens, gods, mutants, and a super soldier out of time. What have you got for me?"

"What about this?" Maria said as she shoved a lab test result at him.

She motioned him to read it as she started filing papers in a file named "Girl From New Jersey"

"What exactly am I looking at, Docter?"

"Her blood results say that she heals faster than any normal human and look at her immune system, it's stronger than the Captain's." She says, gaining raised eyebrows from both agents.

"Not only that, she appears to be healing much faster than a normal human should, not faster than the Cap but still higher than average" Maria said as she showed them more results.

"The only reason it's not faster than Cap is because she hasn't been getting sufficient nutrition"

"And look at this" she said pointing to a part of the test "there is an unknown substance running in her veins, completely different from the blood, we cannot extract it from her, but it has caused her blood colour to look more lighter than ever"

"Thats still red though"

"Yes it is, but can you not see the huge difference?" She asked as she showed them a test tube lablled with something.

"Usually this means that her hemoglobin is high which means she's been in a really cold place or that shes a smoker, but thats not the case either, her blood's just an anomaly. She appears to be completely fine. Well other than the malnourished look" The docter said as she turned around to the computer which had a security camera footage of the girl who appeared to be sleeping.

"Anything else Docter?" Fury asked as he sighed.

"Yes, did you find out anything about her?"

"No. Nothing. She's a complete mystery" he growled as he watched the woman sleeping. "I don't like not knowing things" he sighed.

"The stick we found with her is being guarded. We're working with the theory that she's from another world and has same capabilities as Loki" Maria spoke for the first time since she walked into the room.

"So you're treating her as a threat" Helen deduced.

"She is until she proves that she isn't"
6th June 2013, Medical Bay, SHIELD HQ

Nyx wakes up feeling like she was trampled on by a heard of abraxans.

Every square inch of her body hurt as she tried to move on the bed. A thin layer of sweat covered her body and her hair felt greasy.

She groaned out loud as she heard buzzing noises fill the air. She heard people shout as she opened her eyes.

She immediately closed them again.

Why the fuck are the damn lights so bloody bright!?

She winced as her eyes adjsuted to the lights.

After she had gotten a hold of her bearings, her eyes started to frantically dart across the whole room she had been in.

The room was very white.

The floor and the walls were all white.

There were scary instruments surrounding her bed and she took a moment to realise that they were surgical tools, there was also fallen and obviously malfunctioned machinery around her and she had a lot of tubes attached to her body.

A medical room.

But where?

Fear grips her heart when she realised that she was all alone in an unknown place.

"W-where-" she managed to groan out before she was interrupted by a voice.

"You are in SHIELD Headquarters Ma'am" a female voice came through what she could see were speakers at the top corner of the room.

"We do not wish to harm you but your identity is unknown to us" the female voice spoke.

"I am Nyx Xylon, I am from South-West London, England"

"Do you seek to harm us?" The question had an underlying tone of caution.
"No, I dont have any incentive to do so"

"Very well"

The doors to the room opened and two woman wearing black suits with gun holsters walked in.

Nyx felt her magic crackling under her skin. She wondered how long she had been unconscious.

Surely not that long for her magic to feel pressure build up?

"You've been in a coma for nearly a year. 11 months to be exact" the lady wo ho had brunette hair spoke up. Her posture was rigid and her eyes moved up and down the girl lying on the bed. Assessing for threats.

Not that Nyx could be much of a threat right now.

She was pretty sure the only threat was her magic, which after being unused for so long, was crackling just under her skin for relief.

She knew she had two options.

Run and escape or..

Confess and see what happens.

Both had many unknown variables that she didn't have any answers to and that made her crawl into herself as she started hyperventilating.

"Fuck!" One agent shouted and things started to blur in her eyes as she tried to breath air back into her lungs.

Then, everything went black for her.

"Is she out again?" Came the voice of Director Fury.

"Yes sir" Replied one of the agents.

"Move her to a ward, she's not in critical condition" Helen walked in the room with three nurses behind her.

They walked together to move the frail body of the girl to another bed.

"She's going to be needing physiotherapy"

Helen told one nurses who nodded and went to make some calls.

"Please alert me if she wakes up again" the docter said as she walked out of the room.

"I told you to be gentle with her" Helen said as she frowned at the man wearing an eye patch. He grunted as he stood behind an agent who was searching through the web.

"Nyx Xylon does not exist" the agent spoke in an annoyed tone.

Fury growled as Helen inhaled a deep breath.

"Fucking hell" the bald man muttered as he walked out of the room.

"Put her in one of the holding cells, its high time I have some answers" he ordered two agents who nodded and went to do their tasks.

"You leave me no choice" he said as he watched the woman being lifted of her bed and carried towards the holding cells.

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