Chapter 6

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12th March  2014, Sokovian Base

It hadn't been easy, she had to change her appearance, get in a brawl to get noticed and only after a bloody lip, did someone, who she knew was recruiting for guards, approach her.

Now, she wasn't the same anymore.

This mission had changed her permanently.

Her magic had reacted badly when she had just stepped into the laboratory that was filled with the essence of Loki's sceptor, something that she didn't know, was stolen.

The tranquilizer darts had come out of nowhere, and hit her.

One on her neck, her shoulder and another on her thigh.

She woke up, on a bed, locked by metal handcuffs.

Her legs were also locked in place.

Her chest was bare. So were her legs. She was stark naked and her magic was weak.

She still felt drowsy, the only thing she saw was a blue glow as it came towards her body. She started convulsing. And she knew no more as she had fell into darkness again.

She wakes up for a third time and finds herself in a cell.

The cell was see through and it allowed her to see everything that was going around her.

There were two unconscious people in the other two cells that she could see. One was a girl and the other was a boy.

They looked too young to be there. Far more younger than her.

Suddenly it occurred to her that she could still feel her magic and she also had changed back to her actual appearance.

Her black hair was way longer and looked unkempt.

She longed for a shower.

She tried to reach her magical core by slipping into occulemency, and what she found there was astounding.

Her magic, which had always been a pretty silver colour that reminded her of her family magic, was now mixed with blue. It had an ethereal glow to it that was both fascinating and terrifying.

Fascinating because she could feel that her magic was far stronger than it ever was before, and terrifying because she didn't know just how much she was capable of now.

How much control this weird blueness of the scepter had on her mind.

She knew about Clint and she didn't trust the sceptor one bit.

Her mouth went into a heavy frown as she 'woke up' to the leader of the project, Baron Strucker talking to the man who appeared to be the docter.

He was looking towards the cell of the two younger ones.

Her eyes widened as the boy started moving fast, as if he was being accio'd from all directions.

The girl was levitating blocks of cubes and a red mist was surrounding her hands, she looked fascinated as they moved.

"-there own ghost won't be able to find them."

"And the survivors?"

"The twins." the bald man smiled, it made her bones chill. She took in a deep breath, her teeth chattering.

Their attention turned on her.

"And our newest non-volunteer, our little miracle" he smirked at her.

She felt her hackles rising and her eyes widened when she saw that her veins were turing a violent shade of red-

-and suddenly the bed she was sitting on lit up in flames.

Her screams rang around the whole room as water came down from the ceiling, putting the fire out.

She looked at her palms, the burns were red and hurt like a bitch.

"Its not the world of spies anymore, not even the world of heroes. This is the age of miracles docter," Strucker turned around from the man to face her.

She met his eyes with a glare, her eyes filled with hate, holding her burnt up arms close to herself.

He simply kept smirking at her.

"And there's nothing more horrifying,
than a miracle"

17th March 2014, Unknown location, Europe

"Any change?"

"None Sir, her comms are offline and a report hasn't reached us since 18th, we've lost all connection, shall I declare her MIA?"

"Not just yet, Agent Collins, her little pest is still alive and if she dies, he dies. Keep an eye out " Fury said as he walked out of the room.

"Yes sir"

18th March, Armoury, Playground

"Any news?" Clint asked the red head assassin, her head shook in denial. His face turned dark as he turned around with his bow and shot the target. The target blew up.

A small whine reached his ears and he turned towards the small dragon that had taken up hiding in Natasha's hair.

He watched as the woman stroked it's magnificent blue scales, her eyes trained on him.


"I'm worried about her"

Her lips carved into a deep frown as she pet the dragon that went back to hiding in her short red hair .

"Me too"

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