Chapter 4

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13th July 2013 SHIELD HQ Training Room

Just as Fury was about to open his mouth, a frantic voice was heard from the speakers.

"Unidentified creature found in cafeteria one . All agents to cafeteria one. I repeat, all agents to the cafeteria. This is not a drill" his voice chimed off and alarms began to ring across the whole building.

"I think I know who's causing all this ruckus" Fury said as he looked pointedly towards Nyx who looked worried.

" might want to hurry, Hades is, while not interested in human meat, still a dragon and is extremely aggressive towards strangers"

The director swore before he started to walk out of the room with all of them running to keep up with him.

Well, Nyx was running, the other two kept up just fine.

13th July 2013 SHIELD HQ Cafeteria 1

They arrived to the cafeteria and were confronted with the scene of atleast twenty agents shooting a huge flying creature who zoomed around their bullets.

The three who arrived looked at the magnificent creature in shock. It was a blue dragon with two huge golden horns on the top of its head.

Two huge wings that span across the whole room.

Its scales shimmered in the light, giving it an unearthly glow. Its eyes were also glowing with fire. It was almost 20ft long and it seemed to be increasing and decreasing its size at the same time.

Suddenly, a whistle rang around the whole room, and everyone watched, transfixed as the dragon like creature whipped its head towards the sound, and started flying, moving rapidly towards the lone figure standing on the table with one hand outstretched.

The dragon slowed down just enough to bump its nose against the woman and it suddenly started to decrease in size.

The agents watched in shock as the dragon disappeared in the hair of the woman who was now standing there, smiling.

She hopped off the table and walked towards the director, agents were scrambling out of her way and she suppressed a smirk.

Fury was looking at her with a distinctly unimpressed expression and she tried to look serious, but it didn't work and she ended up snorting.

"And just what is so enjoyable that you cannot supress your laughter?" Furuly asked and he sounded mad.

"Do you know that your eye is twitching?" She snorted again and then shook her head.

"No matter, I have found my friend and I am sorry for all the demage this has caused the cafeteria" she said turning towards all the agents and the chefs who were present there.

"I will be more than happy to help rebuild this place" she smiled and it became wider when some smiled back.

Maybe she could make some friends in this universe as well.

At least she hoped so, it would be quite lonely without having friends in a whole new world.

"Everyone Please clear the area and get back to your jobs" Maria Hill's voice broke her out of her musings.

The sound of murmuring between agents went away with them and she turned towards Fury, who was looking at her with his one eyebrow raised.

"Show us what you can do then" He said to her as he sits down on a chair.

She shakes her head and raises up her wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa" she said while concentrating her mind on all the objects that had just dropped and were not broken.

After putting them back to place, she waved her wand,"Repairo" and the broken tables, chairs, lights and glass and CCTV cameras went back to their original state, as if nothing had happened.

They looked brand new.

With another wave of her wand she cleared out all the dust and the scorch marks.

Unfortunately she couldn't do anything for the metal objects that had been melted by Hades' fire.

"Dragons are magical beasts, as such they have magical fire and if something like metal has been effected by that, you cannot put it back to its original state" she explained to Fury when he asked her about the melted metals.

"You can make very good shields out of them though" that seemed to have peaked his interest.

"Dragon fire has magical properties so any thing you make out of these metals, will work fifty times better than a normal one will" she said and Fury looked contemplative at that.

"Your dragon friend only fired once and it wasn't huge either" Maria Hill chimed into the conversation.

"Well, he's a hybrid of a hybrid and well, he has a lot of mixed qualities. I will not tell you all of them, frankly because its none of your business and it won't effect you later in life" she said and Fury pursed his lips at that.

"His flames are blue because his mother was a hybrid of two powerful and magnificent dragons. One if which was a Swiddish short snout. Which were known for their scales, which were silvery blue, and its powerful flame was also a brilliant blue colour - and hot enough to reduce timber and bone to ashes in seconds." She said and their eyes widened.

"He can change his size because his father was an ocammy, a whole other species of flying beasts, known for its choranaptyxic ability" putting up a hand as their mouths opened to ask what that was, she explains it in a professor-ly voice.

"Choranaptyxics is a magical ability that allows the one who has it, to change its shape to fit into anything, a huge castle or even a small cup, they can increase and decrease in shape with no difficulties and within a milisecond."

"Yes, it can be achieved with spells and can be cast on objects, and in very special cases-on humans as well." She said when Fury opened his mouth, she knew it was the question he was going to ask.

The director closed his mouth and he looked like he was thinking very hard.

"How do you control him?" Came the archer's question.

"I don't, Hades is my familiar. We have a familiar bond. Im sure you've heard of witches and their familiar bond with cats?" They nod at her.

"Well, it does exist, I just so happend to bond with a dragon instead" she said with a smirk and they all rolled their eyes in sync.

Actually, that was quite creepy to look at.

"Hades is much smarter than the usual dragon because he was raised around humans, as in me. He listens to me, as to him, I'm his mother" She said and sighed when their eyebrows reached their foreheads in shock.

"Basically, when he hatched, I was there, I gave him food, so I'm mum. Think chickens but this one is an overgrown one"

Clint snorts as Natasha just smirks. Fury, he just stares.

What a strange man.

"He was kicked out of the nest because his egg looked different and also because he was a lone egg. Dragons usually have 3-5 eggs in one breeding season. The mother dragon would see having one egg as an insult, so usually they are either killed or just left in the harsh weather until it just dies on its own"

She stopped as she felt the weight on her back moving under her clothes and increasing in size.

Suddenly she seemed to have acquired a quite fetching choker.

She snorted as she petted the dragon scales, knowing that her friend was trying to listen in more closely. Nosy dragon that he is.

She looked back to the others in the room and smiled at them.

They nodded back, seeming satisfied with everything. The two agents nodded at her before exiting the room with the director.

"Let me get you to your room"

She followed Maria Hill out of the cafeteria.

"Uhh.. you might want to get new cameras, and tech though"


"Magic fries technology"


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